Musik / folk

Waffles, triangles & Jesus

Anmeldelser (2)

Americana UK

d. 4. dec. 2017



David Cowling

d. 4. dec. 2017

"There a few artists as mercurial as White; at times he sounds like he's retreading the same ground and then abruptly changes direction so as to not repeat himself - it leads to muddled records that have no continuity and highs and lows. He still has the germ of greatness within him, it's just that it doesn't come out so often these days".

Folk radio UK

d. 28. aug. 2017



Richard Hollingum

d. 28. aug. 2017

"The more I have listened to this album, the more interesting it has become. The music is greater than perhaps I originally expected but the album became infinitely fascinating the more I listened to the words and I wondered why that should be. Then I realised. Jim White is primarily a storyteller. In the Tiny Desk Concert, Bob Boilen tells how difficult it had been to get a succinct tale from White; after pleas for brevity, each iteration was returned even lengthier. White enjoys telling stories and the stories on Waffles, Triangles and Jesus are as good an example of his art as you can get".