Musik / rock

Why not

Anmeldelser (1)

Record collector

476 (2018 February)



Paul McGuinness

476 (2018 February)

"There's little to distinguish this latest offering from the last few albums stylistically. It's crammed with energetic post-punk pop torn apart and reconstructed with the kind of effortless positivity that suggests that Jad Fair and his band of merry men are making music for the sheer hell of it. But then, wasn't that always the point of Half Japanese? After all, this was a band that once celebrated their inability to play their instruments ... The Face evokes early Velvet Underground; Amazing is pure joy ("You and I, you and me, good as good as good can be"); while Magic is almost Beatles-esque. No, really. As long as they keep making albums that sound like this, long may they continue bashing them out".