Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 17. nov. 2016



Jordan Bassett

d. 17. nov. 2016

"After a five-year break, everyone's second favourite French dance duo return with a near-perfect disco album ... The third album from French dance duo Justice - they're sort of Daft Punk with tighter jeans - is a tour-de-force that more than justifies the five-year break".

The quietus

d. 17. nov. 2016



Jeremy Allen

d. 17. nov. 2016

"Woman is a heartfelt homage, sometimes preposterous, occasionally cheesy, always compelling and invigorating. Justice's mission was to unify the clinical electronic music they make with the humanity of the chanson and the warmth of manual strings, and as a result they've created a sentimental cyborg of distinction. While the original concept was a simple one, the result is no less extraordinary. After a slight misstep with Audio, Visual Disco, they've only gone and created a masterpiece with Woman".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. nov. 2016



Pernille Smith Larsen

d. 19. nov. 2016

"[Den franske elektroniske duo] splejser knasende disco-synths, klumpet slap-bas, symfonisk rock og finjusteret popmekanik til et udtryk, der er retro, futuristisk og svingende i kvalitet ... Justice glemmer lidt for ofte at stoppe, mens legen er god".