Musik / folk

World on the ground

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 3. juni 2020



Brice Ezell

d. 3. juni 2020

"By turning to her roots in central Texas for inspiration on World on the Ground, Sarah Jarosz has crafted some of her strongest songs yet ... Although World on the Ground as a whole takes a patient, meditative tone musically and lyrically, Jarosz maintains dynamic variation throughout".

American songwriter

d. 5. juni 2020



Kira Grunenberg

d. 5. juni 2020

"World On The Ground is many things at once: Emotionally vast, welcomingly homey, highly individualized in its memories, broadly appealing through its attentive storytelling, symbolically hyperbolic, and unintentionally self-aware in its realism".

Glide Magazine

d. 9. juni 2020



Sheryl Hunter

d. 9. juni 2020

"Overall "World on the Ground" is a work of quiet beauty that brims with irresistible melodies and compelling storytelling. These songs showcase Jarosz's growth as a songwriter as they linger with the listener long after the album ends. Jarosz is clearly a shining light in the Americana world as her music continues to evolve, leaving us to eagerly anticipate her next move".