Musik / rock

You're not alone

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 8. mar. 2018



Steve Kandell

d. 8. mar. 2018

"On his first album in nine years, the zen party master uses his operatically excessive music to challenge you to give in to positivity and get over yourself ... more understated or artful; the bluntness is the point, the medium is the message. Party on".


d. 11. mar. 2018



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 11. mar. 2018

"Andrew W.K. vender efter ni år tilbage med endnu en gang afdankede numre om livets fest. Men bedst som man tror, Wulkes-Krier ikke kan finde på andet end at gentage sig selv, overrasker han ... Andrew Fetterly Wulkes-Krier er næppe et misforstået geni. Man han er heller ikke et fortidslevn. I hvert fald ikke endnu. Det er party-mantraet til gengæld, og det vil klæde Andrew W.K., hvis 'You're Not Alone' var sidste plade, hvor der blev spildt tid på det tema".


d. 1. mar. 2018



Brice Ezell

d. 1. mar. 2018

"The sounds that shape You're Not Alone are the same that make I Get Wet, Andrew W.K.'s 2001 debut and breakthrough, the minor classic that it is: heavily distorted chords on the guitar, faux-operatic electric organs, and vocal parts that tread the line between singing and screaming ... But over the course of 16 songs (which run nearly an hour), W.K.'s well-meaning jubilance wears out its welcome. Much of the album's diminishing returns have to do with its unblinking enthusiasm".

Record collector

477 (2018 March)



J. R. Moores

477 (2018 March)

"With irresistible and irrepressible positivity, WK re-emphasises his credo - that we should embrace life, including its challenges, and be kind to each other because this is the one chance we're gonna get. Not that WK, who also shows his vulnerability to life's downsides, professes to hold all the answers. "I don't know anything," he confesses at one point. According to Socrates, that makes Andrew WK the wisest man alive".