Music / rock

All that glue

Reviews (3)

The guardian

d. 17. May 2020



Phil Mongredien

d. 17. May 2020

"As a concept it's slightly confused, falling somewhere between an exploration of their hinterland and a best of: while it includes nine previously unreleased songs, the two tracks from last year's Top 10 album Eton Alive are hardly unknown outside crate-digging circles. It's far more satisfying musically, however, working as a good showcase for Jason Williamson's stream-of-consciousness rants and Andrew Fearn's unshowy but effective beats, from the frantic spleen-venting of 2014's Jolly Fucker to the menace of last year's OBCT".


d. 20. May 2020



Stuart Berman

d. 20. May 2020

"The British punk-hop duo's career-spanning collection shows their unlikely ascent from ranting on sidewalks to ranting at Brixton Academy".


d. 7. June 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 7. June 2020

"Sleaford Mods har flere gode album på samvittigheden, men selv om den aktuelle opsamling af A-sider, B-sider og sjældenheder giver et retvisende billede af duoen, er den mest for fans".