Music / opera

Dardanus : tragédie lyrique, Paris, 1744

Reviews (10)





Stephen Eddins


"The performance by the largely Australian cast is characterized by dramatic urgency and absolute commitment. While they may not have the polish and consistency of the soloists on the Archiv recording under Marc Minkowski, they sing with more naturalness and expressive freedom ... Tenor Paul Agnew, in the title role, is especially compelling in his tonal purity, musicality, and dramatic urgency, and his "Lieux funestes" is a real show-stopper. The sound of the live recording is clean and natural and creates a good sense of theatrical space".


2016, nr. 43



Steen Chr. Steensen

2016, nr. 43

"Ellers skabes sammenhængen i musikken, sådan som den fremføres dugfrisk af det franske ensemble Pygmalion og dets dirigent Raphaël Pichon, der får Rameaus partitur til at sitre ... Sangerholdet er af blandet kvalitet".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



Jan Smaczny

2014 May

"In general Pichon has a convincing grip on the drama; the recorded sound might have been lillte more forward, but as a whole this is a most attractive performance of Dardanus".

BBC music magazine

2021 May



Nicholas Anderson

2021 May

"Opera choice: This exciting and full-blooded account has more historic coherence than any so far of this great opera. György Vashegyi, who already has three Rameau opera recordings to his name, has mustered a uniformly strong cast with lively characterisation from Antenor and Teucer, alpha males pumped to the hilt with testosterone".

Fono Forum

2021 Juli



Richard Lorber

2021 Juli

"Die beiden Ensembles des ungarischen Dirigenten György Vashegyi, der Purcell Choir und das Orfeo Orchestra haben sich in den letzten Jahren eine erstaunliche Stilsicherheit im französischen Genre erarbeitet. Die Tänze fliessen elegant dahin, die Chöre haben Strahlkraft, werden idiomatisch artikuliert und sind absolut sauber intoniert ... Diesen Dardanus gibt Cyrille Dubois als leidenschaftlichen Liebhaber mehr denn als Kriegsheld. Seine Monologe singt er in herzzerreissender, heller Tenorstimme mit kontrolliertem Beben und sehnsuchtsvollen Ausschweifungen".

Fono Forum

2009 November



Richard Lorber

2009 November

"Die französische Esprit scheint von ihm auf alle Beteiligten übergegangen zu sein, so genau werden die Airs in ihrem exaltierten Deklamationsgestus dargeboten, so reaktionsschnell wird zwischen pastoralem Tonfall und höfischem Divertisement hin- und hergeschaltet, so geschickt bewegen sich alle Beteiligten in der französischen Diktion".

The gramophone

2014 April



Richard Lawrence

2014 April

"Raphaël Pichon and the Ensemble Pygmalion are excellent".


d. 2. July 2000


d. 2. July 2000

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 19. årgang nr. 2


(2000) 19. årgang nr. 2

The gramophone

2021 September



David Vickers

2021 September

"Denis Herlin's forthcoming Rameau Opera Omnia edition of the 1744 versions is road-tested by the prolific team of György Vashegyi and his excellent Budapest forces. The Ouverture, numerous dances and aria accompaniments are played by the Orfeo Orchestra with an admirable balance of vitality and finesse. The Purcell Choir sing with impeccable security of intonation. Chantal Santon Jeffery make the long prologue for Venus seem earnest and emotional ... Vashegyi's performance captures fizzing inventiveness and sophisticated beauty".