Music / kor

Das Leiden Jesu : Passion cantatas IV

Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2020 July



Terry Barfoot

2020 July

"Relatively little of Graupner's music has been recorded, and this new issue ... is therefore to be warmly welcomed, all the more since the performances are so pleasing. In addition, the booklet notes are informative; there are full texts and translations, and the production standards are first class ... CPO has completed its recordings of these cantatas with this issue".

Presto classical




"The present recording of Christoph Graupner's Passion Cycle of 1741 concludes on Vol. 4 with the highly expressive cantata for Laetare Sunday GWV 1123-41 ... Here two things stand out: the decision in favor of two duets (instead of two arias) and the instrumentation of the cantata as a whole. The blend of instrumental color renders audible what is a direct musical realization of the textual content. The selection of chorales from Graupner's oeuvre between 1713 and 1751 illustrates the extraordinary variety of his compositional production, and the constantly changing coloration brought about by the nuanced instrumentation conveys this to the listener with special clarity".

Fono Forum

2020 September



Martin Hoffmann (musikanmelder)

2020 September

"Florian Heyerick, seine vortreffliche Mannheimer Hofkapelle und das mit Ripienisten erweiterte, zupackende Vokalensemble Ex Tempore komplettieren nun mit der Kantate 'Die Gewaltigen raten nach ihrem Mutwillen' den 1741 entstandenen Zyklus, der unter dem Titel 'Das Leiden Jesu' eine protestantische Tradition abbildet ... Grossartig, wie es Heyerick gelingt, ungewöhnliche Besetzungskombinationen und höchst differenzierte Farben als affektives Klangerlebnis zu inszenieren ... [Alles] beeindrucken mit variablen Besetzungen, instrumentalen Farben und satztechnischen Besonderheiten".