Music / operetter

Der Graf von Luxemburg
The count of Luxembourg

Reviews (6)

Presto classical




""The Count of Luxembourg", composed in 1909, is a worthy equal to Léhar's other operettas in terms of imaginative content, visual ideas and instrumental colouring. After the sensational success of the "Merry Widow" (1905), the composer quickly wrote an operetta that displayed real Parisian flair. This film version offers a wealth of artistic entertainment, with a superb cast that includes Eberhard Wächter, Lilian Sukis, Erich Kunz, Jane Tilden, Peter Fröhlich and Helga Papouschek".

MusicWeb international

2017 December



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2017 December

"It is a performance of great vitality, excellently held together by the Korean conductor Eun Sun Kim. The orchestra and chorus are first class as we know from numerous recordings. The singing is on the whole worthy of the occasion ... The real star, however, is Daniel Behle as René, and his smooth, beautiful, and ardent voice - Fritz Wunderlich-like - is a pleasure to listen to".

BBC music magazine

2018 May



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2018 May

"There's something clinical about Eun Sun Kim's conducting, while equally much of the singing maintains a distance from the charm the piece can and should have ... Behle's soaring tenor fulfils requirements though lacks theatrical personality in the Richard Tauber mould. Wagner and Strauss soprano Camilla Nylund sounds a bit blowsy ... but Louise Alder makes an entrancing Juliette, while Sebastian Geyer understands the comic possibilities of Prince Basil Basilowitsch".

Fono Forum

2017 Oktober



Bernd Feuchtner

2017 Oktober

"Bariton Sebastian Geyer legt den Fürsten Basil folgerichtig als köstliche Karikatur an ... Die Strauss-Diva Camilla Nylund macht sich prima als Operetten-Primadonna, und ... sie singt so fein Duet mit Daniel Behle als Graf René ... Durch flotte Tempi bewahrt Eun Sun Kim die Operette vor den Untiefen der Sentimentalität; der hohe Druck, der hier herrscht, sorgt allerdings für preussischen Schmiss als fürwienerischen Fasching".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2006) 25. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2006) 25. årgang nr. 3

"Lehárs operette foregår i Paris 1909, men er her i optagelsen fra Theater an der Wien en junidag sidste år omplantet til 1950'ne i et DDR-lignende hotelkompleks ... Der er valgt et fint hold af sangere ... Skovhus kan bare det der, han fører udmærket an og kan lide det, men bibringer ikke den fornødne operetteglamour ... Optagelsen er redelig, har flotte billeder og vil være en godbid for Skovhus og operette affiniados".

The gramophone

2017 October



Richard Bratby

2017 October

"This spirited new version is extremely welcome. Taken from performances at the Frankfurt Opera, it's got the immediacy and momentum of a live occasion. And, most importantly, everyone sounds like they're loving it ... Nylund is an engagingly nuanced Angèle ... Behle is a graceful René ... and Louise Alder and Simon Bode strike sparks off each other as the young bohemians ... Performers who clearly enjoy both Lehár's escapism and his tenderness".