Music / rock

Duck stab/Buster & Glen

Reviews (2)

Record collector

478 (2018 April)



Paul McGuinness

478 (2018 April)

"... 1978's Duck Stab/Buster & Glen opens with one of the band's catchier numbers, Constantinople, which sounds like a proto-Half Japanese. Both these albums are characterised by shorter, sharper tracks than the epics of their first two outings, and as such are perhaps more accessible, without losing any of those offerings' utter absurdity".

Louder than war

d. 23. Mar. 2018



Ian Canty

d. 23. Mar. 2018

"Duck Stab/Buster And Glen marked the time when the Residents emerged into a lot of people's consciousness, with the result that those of them that became fans obsessed about the band's activities. This new re-release sounds good and on the whole not really at all dated by time - in fact some of these recordings wouldn't sound out of place in the charts right now, which shows the ingenious and/or insidious way the Residents' influence may have travelled. They were streets ahead, which may have cost them initially, but the Residents were in it for the long game".