Music / electronica


Reviews (2)





Fred Thomas


"As confusing as it can be in moments, some light finally starts shining through on what Frusciante's aim has been with this phase of his solo work. Perhaps just too ahead of its time to be really dissected, faint echoes can be heard of everything from the insular mastery of Aphex Twin to OutKast's understated brilliance at production and even the composed chaos of Karlheinz Stockhausen. Not easily understood as dance music, experimental music, or rock music, Enclosure considers, rejects, and reconsiders all of them on a second-to-second basis and stands as one of the more listenable of Frusciante's ever-obtuse solo albums".

Consequence of sound

d. 8. Apr. 2014



Jon Hadusek

d. 8. Apr. 2014

"Vurdering: C-" - "Even for an amorphous songwriter like Frusciante, Enclosure is a stretch. The overly complicated percussion is an impractical fit for his songwriting style and offers little for the listener to cling to. He's said this record is his "last word on the musical statement that began with PBX." So be it. His talents are best applied elsewhere, far away from the breakbeats".