Music / renæssance -> 1600

English motets

Reviews (4)

The observer

d. 8. Apr. 2018



Stephen Pritchard

d. 8. Apr. 2018

"The Gesualdo Six offer a collection of 17 Renaissance English Motets sung with precision, perfect balance and glowing warmth under the direction of Owain Park. Byrd's Vigilate is delivered with suitably vital urgency, while Sheppard's Libera nos, salva nos I unfolds with quiet, stately grandeur. This is singing at its most contained and intimate".

BBC music magazine

2018 June



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2018 June

"The line-up might play safe, but it's all exquisitely done, collegiate smoothness and blend to the fore. And what blend! The harmonic voicing is immaculate yet always sensitive to the imperatives of the polyphonic flow ... Weavers of rich and plangent aural tapestries, the Gesualdo Six meld style and substance with beguiling sure-footedness. An auspicious debut".

Fono Forum

2018 November



Wolfgang Fuhrmann

2018 November

"Gesualdo Six präsentiert ein opulentes Programm mit Musik der englischen Reniassance ... Der zugleich transparente und homogene Klang ... sind restlos überzeugend ... So wunderbar differenziert wird hier die herrliche Musik der Tudor-Epoche vergegenwärtigt, die ihre Kraft nicht zuletzt aus der produktiven Partnerschaft mit dem Kontinent gewann".

The gramophone

2018 April



Fabrice Fitch

2018 April

"The Gesualdo Six are the latest all-male, one-to-a-part a cappella vocal ensemble to emerge from the English choral scene, and this is their recording debut ... As one has come to expect given such a pedigree, the vocal quality is very fine, not to say superb, and ... the singers respond with an athleticism and a feel for pacing that isn't perhaps so common ... In short, I look forward to hearing them in a more focused recital".