Music / andre koncerter

Harold en Italie

Reviews (21)

The guardian

d. 13. May 2015



Erica Jeal

d. 13. May 2015

" Ehnes's viola-playing is warm and expansive, but it is in the relatively compact Rêverie et Caprice that he is at his graceful best, gliding through mercurial moodswings and maintaining a notably lyrical line ... The Melbourne SO strings make slightly heavy weather of some passages, but Andrew Davis keeps the music on its toes".

The guardian

d. 24. Jan. 2019



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 24. Jan. 2019

"Les Siècles use woodwind and brass instruments from the middle decades of the 19th century, which, combined with the gut strings, create busy, buoyant textures over which Tabea Zimmermann's solo viola can soar with ease, though there is no lack of tonal weight when the orchestra takes centre stage, as it does increasingly through the course of the work ... Les Nuits d'Été ... Roth opts for a baritone, the superbly intelligent and light-toned Stéphane Degout, whose delivery of these songs is impeccable".

MusicWeb international

2015 May



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2015 May

""[Tamestit] is very fine indeed, and elevates this performance to something above the mediocre...[Gergiev] controls the opening fugato in a way that is brooding and mysterious without ever sounding too gloomy, and the gathering excitement of the rest of the first movement comes across very naturally in his hands, backed by exciting playing from the orchestra every step of the way, with a conclusion that is suitably headlong".





Blair Sanderson


" James Ehnes performs the solos in the Rêverie et caprice and Harold en Italie with lyrical expressiveness and a sweet tone that works well with the tender and passionate moods in both works. The orchestra plays with great energy and a full sound, though at no time is Ehnes' playing overwhelmed".

MusicWeb international

2019 February



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 February

"Recommended: Roth has an impressive hinterland as a Berlioz interpreter ... Harold en Italie is a most unusual and original work ... The present soloist is Tabea Zimmermann. I believe she has recorded it twice before ... Here, as well as the artistry of Zimmermann we can relish the distinctive timbres and textures of the period instruments used by Les Siècles. The significance of the orchestral contribution is in evidence right from the start ... This is a magnificent performance. Tabea Zimmermann is a superb and very characterful soloist while the virtuoso musicians of Les Siècles make one hear this highly original score with fresh ears. François-Xavier Roth's idiomatic conducting seems flawless to me. This is a revelatory Harold. And revelatory is the word I would apply also to the performance of Les Nuits d'été ... Degout's firm, forward projection of his voice gives great pleasure ... And please may we have more from Roth and Les Siècles".

Presto classical

d. 18. Jan. 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 18. Jan. 2019

"Recording of the week: The distinctive sonorities of their narrow-bore woodwinds and gut strings throw as much new light upon Berlioz's High Romantic, Gothic and at times almost psychedelic sound-world as they did upon Debussy's more ethereal writing ... Dégout delves into the cycle's ambiguities with the textual sensitivity and wide range of subtle vocal colours which have made him such an outstanding Pélleas ... Consistently compelling and in places downright revelatory".


d. 23. June 2003


d. 23. June 2003

BBC music magazine

2015 May



Martin Cotton

2015 May

"This Harold in Italy takes a while to get going ... Gergiev's pacing of the opening in its use of dynamics ... Still, he brings out details in the score, and the third movement Serenade finds both him and Tamestit more characterful, with greater engagement with dynamics and phrasing".


2014 septembre



Gérard Condé

2014 septembre

Fono Forum

2014 November



Andreas Friesenhagen

2014 November

"Man höre Itzhak Perlman, um zu ermessen, was hier möglich ist".

BBC music magazine

2015 August



Michael Scott Rohan

2015 August

"Andrew Davis's Berlioz is lushly Romantic but for me, at least, not impetuous or driven enough. Result: still quite a good performance, but less compelling than the best".


2015 octobre



Gérard Condé

2015 octobre


2019 mars



Gérard Condé

2019 mars

BBC music magazine

2019 March



Christopher Dingle

2019 March

"Berlioz was the archetypical Romantic creating effusive semi-autobiographical outpourrings, so it is odd that Les Nuitz d'été is rarely sung by a man ... Stéphane Degout's superb account makes clear this need not be so. His fresh baritone ... and outstanding control ... are heartachingly beautiful. François-Xavier Roth's period-instrument ensemble Les Siècles provides superb support for Degout ... The orchestra is even more vivid when let loose on the adventures of Harold en Italie ... while Tabea Zimmermann holds nothing back as viola soloist".

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2019 Juni

"Ein weiteres Mal die Qualitäten von François-Xavier Roths Originalklang-Orchester Les Siècles zu loben, dürfte überflüssig sein. So sei lediglich vermeldet, dass Roth ... eine nicht nur ungemein farbenreiche, sondern ... auch dramatisch zugespitzte Interpretation angedeihen lässt, in die sich Tabea Zimmermann als distanzierte Beobachterin - nichts anders stellt der Bratschenpart in diesem Werk dar - wunderbar einfügt. Ebenso überzeugt die Wahl des Baritons Stéphane Degout für den Liederzyklus Les Nuits d'été".

The gramophone

2015 April



Duncan Druce

2015 April

"These two works are impressively recorded ... Karen Cargill gives a gripping account of The death of Cleopatra ... The performance gathers force as it proceeds ... Berlioz's extraordinary ending is fully realised through the brilliance of the LSO's string section".

International record review

2014 October



John Warrack

2014 October

"Lisa Berthaud makes a fine violist for Berlioz's Harold ... She has a warm, gently husky tone ... Slatkin handles admirably the long, slow crescendo ... He is less effective with the rhythmic energy ... The violin is charmingly played by Giovanni Radivo".

The gramophone

2014 Awards



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2014 Awards

"Berthaud's first viola solo, backed by the harp and interspersed with expressive clarinets, is beautifully played. Slatkin lilts us into the main Allegro as persuasively as anyone this side of the analogue divide ... The two overtures are excellently played, both benefiting from Slatkin's familiar skill at clarifying orchestral textures".

The gramophone

2015 July



Mike Ashman

2015 July

"Davis and his production team have worked hard to keep James Ehnes's quite ravishingly beautiful playing in focus ... It sounds as if Davis sees the work as more lyrical and Romantic ... than as a sequel to the experimentation of the Fantastique ... He sets his soloist off well and gives worthwhile accounts of the shorter pieces".

The gramophone

2019 February



Mark Pullinger

2019 February

"How delightful that François-Xavier Roth and Les Siècles have returned to Berlioz this year, the 150th anniversary of his death ... This new recording with Tabea Zimmermann has much to recommend it [Harold en Italie] ... Zimmermann offers a darker, grainier tone than her earlier LSO Live account with Colin Davis but her approach hasn't changed much ... The Pilgrims trudge purposefully ... and Roth instils fire into the last movement's orgy ... One couldn't imagine a more sensitive baritone than Stephane Dégout, yet his burnished sound has plenty of muscle too ... The burbling Siècles woodwinds are joyous".