Music / electronica

It's album time

Reviews (2)


d. 7. Apr. 2014



Mike Powell

d. 7. Apr. 2014

"Despite recycling four of its twelve tracks from previously released singles and EPs, It's Album Time has a linear, cohesive feel. Instead of trying to top "Strandbar" or "Inspector Norse", Terje ties them together with short interstitial tracks-valleys that give perspective to the mountains. If he ever capitulates to the conventions of making a full-length album, it's in structure, which here is less redolent of disco than classic-rock pranksters like Paul McCartney or Frank Zappa: an introduction that features men whispering the words "It's album time" repeatedly, peaking with a ballad halfway through; closing with the joyous "Inspector Norse", and dying away to the sound of distant applause".

Gaffa [online]

d. 7. Apr. 2014



Simon Nathanael

d. 7. Apr. 2014

"Man [kan] ikke slippe følelsen af, at det hele er lidt for sjov - i hvert fald med en pæn portion ironisk distance (i modsætning til Daft Punks funkplade fra sidste år, som med lige så finurlige eksperimenter altid fremstod überseriøs). Strandbar fortsætter tilbageskuende med en myriade af perkussion i firser-arrangementer og synkoperet elpiano, mens Delorean Dynamite har en anden tyngde og viser personlighed uden sjove kostumer. Teknisk set er pladen vellydende og dynamisk, og de instrumentale numre lever mellem lige dele elektronik og håndspillede grooves".