Music / solosang

Le bal des animaux

Reviews (4)

MusicWeb international

2019 April



Nigel Harris

2019 April

"Recommended: This disc is a winner. It works on so many levels: as a thought-provoking survey of the remarkable extent to which French composers in particular have been inspired and stimulated by the animal world; as a carefully planned song recital; as an album into which you can dip easily for ten or fifteen minutes of unalloyed pleasure; and as an approachable anthology of French song which could make many new converts to the genre. I loved it ... Sophie Karthäuser is from French-speaking Belgium, and hence - presumably - has the inestimable advantage of being a native speaker. But she also has the right voice and style for most of these numbers ... Moreover, she is ideally accompanied by Eugene Asti ... This is an absolutely top-notch production".

MusicWeb international

2019 March



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2019 March

"This generous programme of songs and instrumental pieces depicting animals of all kinds and sizes is wholly enthralling. More than 70 minutes of joyful music performed with a twinkle in her eye by the charming Sophie Karthäuser ... She is elegantly backed up by the versatile Eugene Asti, who also gets away on his own in a couple of piano pieces ... But all the pieces are well characterised, the programme is entertaining and ... most of the composers are well-known ... All in all one of the most charming thematic recitals I've come across!".

BBC music magazine

2019 May



Anthony Pryer

2019 May

"Sophie Karthäuser and Eugene Asti are both accomplished mimics, and miss no opportunities among the larks (Lalo's L'Alouette'), cicadas (Chabrier's 'Les Cigales'), cats (Rossini's famous cat duet, where Kärthauser is assisted by countertenor Dominique Visse), and other fauna. They also deftly change mood when animals are employed as mournful metaphors".

Fono Forum

2019 April



Johannes Schmitz

2019 April

"Die vorliegende Aufnahme vereint hohe Gesangskultur mit einer Entdeckungsreise in die Weiten der französischen Liederwelten ... Es bietet ein wunderbares Verbindungsstück zwischen von Tieren inspirierten Werken eines Rameau, Couperin oder Saint-Saëns und den Vögeln abgelauschten Werken von Messiaen ... Sophie Karthäuser trifft den Tonfall der Lieder wunderbar ungekünstelt und im besten Sinne einfach. Ob keck oder elegisch, ob Ironie oder musikalisch bebilderte Sehnsucht: Die Stimme spricht leicht an und ist immer ganz da; wunderbar phrasierend und klangsinnlich".