Music / rock


Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 8. Sep. 2014



Kristian Petersen

d. 8. Sep. 2014

"Melodierne er ikke skarpe nok og ufokuserede, og flere genrer, der afprøves, virker som dårlige matches til Pritchards vokal, og resten af bandet er skubbet i baggrunden. Kun på Bad Habit fungerer det rigtig godt. Resten er ærgerligt ufokuseret".

The telegraph

d. 2. Sep. 2014



Neil McCormick

d. 2. Sep. 2014

"Pop music throws up vast numbers of bands like the Kooks, who have a few years' worth of hits then drift out of fashion because, in essence, they never really had more to offer than a decent tune and the right haircut. The Kooks have come out fighting though, completely re-evaluating and overhauling their sound and the result is an exuberant fourth album bristling with character".