Music / rock

Little dark age

Reviews (5)

The guardian

d. 8. Feb. 2018



Alexis Petridis

d. 8. Feb. 2018

"After two albums of wilfully awkward music seemingly designed to lose them fans, the duo return with some unironically gorgeous melodies and a dash of hallucinogenic weirdness".


d. 9. Feb. 2018



Robert Ham

d. 9. Feb. 2018

"They are the band that notably left "Kids" off of their Coachella set list, leading many commentators to wonder if they hate their fans. That ain't necessarily so. Though they don't want to do all the work for them, they give them enough sweetness and beauty in their work to engage the maximum number of listeners. They want you in their corner. All they ask is that you slip this treat under your tongue and hang on tight. It's gonna be a wild ride".


d. 9. Feb. 2018



Philip Sherburne

d. 9. Feb. 2018

"MGMT's fourth album marks a shift in tactics. Abandoning the belabored excess of their last two albums, they opt for streamlined synth-pop ... It's a long way from the rock-star fantasies of "Time to Pretend." But if Little Dark Age is a new start, it's a promising one".


d. 11. Feb. 2018



Peter Schollert

d. 11. Feb. 2018

"Syrehoveder er sjove rimsmede: MGMT kaster om sig med sjove tekster, og størsteparten af musikken er værd at lytte til".


d. 2. Mar. 2018



Sophia Handler

d. 2. Mar. 2018

"Andrew Van Wyngarden og Ben Goldwasser er tilbage med en frisk vinkel på den mere syntetiske artrock ... De ti numre rummer stadig indierockens forunderlige ærlighed, som viser sig på åbningsnummeret "She Works Out Too Much", hvor en tv-serieagtig række af stemmer synger om ungdommens ubalance i alt fra træning til forhold. De bittersøde fortællinger er festlige, som de udspiller sig foran et scenetæppe af synth - for at understrege komedien frem for tragedien. Men "Little Dark Age" mangler det afgørende hit, den elektroniske dansegulvsbasker, der på en måde er blevet en hjertemuskel i duoens svævende indie-univers".