Music / jazz


Reviews (4)


d. 4. Nov. 2015



Matthew Fiander

d. 4. Nov. 2015

"Halvorson has made enough great music to cement her status as one of the best musicians working in jazz today. Meltframe, though suggests she is more than that: she is one of the finest working guitarists in any genre. Of course, though, despite her wide sonic palate, her love of jazz wins out at every turn. And here, she knows that the best way to honor jazz's history is honor the greats, give a nod to the past, and then break it all down so you can innovate your way to the future".


d. 17. Sep. 2015



Seth Colter Walls

d. 17. Sep. 2015

"Halvorson's performances show how today's jazz still works with an awareness of popular textures, including indie rock (...) Surely, Halvorson's most personal statements are still found on the albums where her own compositions rule. Though by liquefying some of the curatorial borders that surround jazz in the popular imagination, Meltframe refocuses our attention on an essential malleability that is the genre's core tradition".


d. 17. May 2016



Jakob Bækgaard

d. 17. May 2016

"Halvorson nævnes af og til som en fornyer af guitarspillet, og på soloalbummet 'Meltframe' får man mulighed for at høre hendes livtag med jazztraditionen. Her giver hun sine idiosynkratiske udgaver af kompositioner af jazzkoryfæer som Duke Ellington, Oliver Nelson og McCoy Tyner samt de mere åndsbeslægtede avantgardister Ornette Coleman og Roscoe Mitchell. Noget af det mest forfriskende ved Halvorson er hendes vekslende stillejer. Hun kan smadre igennem med forvrænget guitar og lade instrumentet hyle som jazzens Jimi Hendrix, og hun kan spille helt straight lyrisk og pludselig lade guitaren gå i båndsalat ... 'Meltframe' er en nedsmeltning af jazztraditionen, men samtidig en bekræftelse af den. Op af traditionens aske rejser Halvorson sig og viser guitarens uendelige potentiale for en jazzmusiker, som ikke lader sig begrænse af genremæssige rammer".


2015 November



Jon Corbett

2015 November

"It's already been a treat hearing how Halvorson has evolved over the last decade, and if this is a sort of tally of where she is on the instrument, the nex 10 years should be equally edifying".