Music / operafilm

Moses und Aron

Reviews (10)

The guardian

d. 21. Oct. 2015



Jason Farago

d. 21. Oct. 2015

"Moses und Aron on the Paris stage ... Director Romeo Castellucci loves to shock. So how did he approach a new production of Schoenberg's challenging and complex opera for Paris's Opera Bastille? ... His high-minded and ambivalently visual Moses und Aron owes as much to art history as to theatre ... Castellucci, with his bull and his ink, has managed somehow to make indelible images out of an opera in which images are the greatest evil of all".

The New York times

d. 5. Nov. 2015



Roslyn Sulcas

d. 5. Nov. 2015

"The encounter between the prophet Moses and his brother Aron takes place in a whited-out landscape that transforms human figures into ghosts. Black liquid pours like abundant blood or oil on the singers, and becomes a lake in which they are baptized and drowned. The golden calf is a one-and-a-half-ton Charolais bull ... The spectacle - in all senses - ... remains unforgettable. You could quibble with specific ideas in Mr. Castellucci's work, but the sweep and scale of his vision in this "Moses" is a path to Schönberg's unforgiving, glorious opera".


2017 juin



Emmanuel Dupuy

2017 juin


2017, nr. 47



Mikael Garnæs

2017, nr. 47

"Moses og Aron er et af operahistoriens legendarisk monstre. Fuldstændig kompromisløst i sit budskab og avancerede tonesprog ... Pariseroperaen har ressourcerne til at løfte den store opgave ... Tænk, at et talstærkt operakor kan synge et så langt og kompliceret parti udenad så rent, klangskønt og gennemmusikalsk. Det lyder ganske enkelt smukt. Romeo Castellussics iscenesættelse ... giver en stærk visuel dimension til forestillingen ... I de to hovedroller er Thomas Johannes Mayer en karakterfuld Moses ... Aron ... klares musikalsk sikkert af John Graham-Hall".

BBC music magazine

2007 July



Misha Donat

2007 July

"Musically, the performance is first-rate, with Franz Grundheber commanding in the Sprechstimme role of Moses, and Thomas Moser coping valiantly with the Aaron's taxing tenor writing. I'm less sure, however, about Reto Nickler's moder-dress staging ... But despite such shortcoming, with Daniele Gatto at the helm this unremittingly intense opera leaves a strong impression".


2010 novembre



Jean-Charles Hoffelé

2010 novembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

Fono Forum

2011 Januar



Giselher Schubert

2011 Januar

"Willy Decker setzt sich in seiner brillanten Inszenierung für die Jahrhunderthalle Bochum über Schönbergs allzu naive Bühnenanweisungen hinweg ... Die Besetzung des Moses mit dem drahtig-agilen Dale Duesing sei unter den hervorragenden Mitwirkenden hervorgehoben".

Vurdering (Szene): 3/5.

Vurdering (Musik): 4/5.

Fono Forum

2017 Juli



Manuel Brug

2017 Juli

"Der souverän disponierende Philippe Jordan entfaltet einen seidigen Schönberg-Schönklang, die strenge Zwölftönigkeit hat etwas irisierend Leichtes, verführerisch Geistesklares. Man folgt interessiert dem Dialog des hier mit einem tonprächtigen, männlichen Bariton (Thomas Johannes Mayer) ... und den biegsamen ... nicht unsympatischen Aron (John Graham-Hall). Und man bewundert rückhaltlos den fast akzent-freien, von José Luis Basso einstudierten Chor, der sich ebenzo diszipliniert wie frei durch den Raum bewegt".

The gramophone

2007 August



Peter Quantrill

2007 August

"Nickler takes an effectively practical tack, abstract but straightforward ... Both Grundheber and Moser sieze every cue for lyrical expression ... No wonder the Viennese loved it".

International record review

2007 May



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2007 May

"This is a visually fascinating, but ultimately unsatisfying production. There can be no complaints, though, about the musical performance".