Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Pater noster : a choral reflection on the Lord's prayer

Anmeldelser (3)

BBC music magazine

2012 December



Anthony Pryer

2012 December

"There are few vocal ensembles that can work up a concept album like The King's Singers, and this somewhat disparate collection of sacred pieces blossoms into something rather wonderful ... The performances have all the panache that we associate with this group ... The highlights on this disc are the French pieces".

Fono Forum

2013 Februar



Marcus Stäbler

2013 Februar

"Das Vaterunser ist das bekannteste Gebet des christlichen Glaubens ... Das starke Programm folgt einerseits einer stringenten Dramaturgie und deckt andererseits ein grosses stilistisches Spektrum ab ... Mit der Vielfalt ganz unterschiedlicher Klangsprachen ... präsentieren die sechs Sänger einmal mehr ihre unerschöpfliche breite Farbpalette".

The gramophone

2012 December



Ivan March

2012 December

"A wonderful tribute to the Christian religion that its creed and teaching inspired so much that is unforgettably beautiful. The music of the most famous composers ... stands out. I was also especially impressed with the settings by the more modern musicians ... But the delight of the set is Poulenc's rich harmonies, both pure and smoochy ... Find out for yourselves what a rewarding CD this is, gloriously sung and perfectly recorded".