Music / kammermusik

Piano quintet

Reviews (20)





James Manheim


"There are other fine recordings available for both of these Shostakovich works. The Seven Romances on Poems by Alexander Blok for soprano, violin, cello, and piano, Op. 127, were recorded several times by their dedicatee, soprano Galina Vishnevskaya, and the stirring Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. 57, has been one of the composer's most popular chamber works ever since its premiere. Nevertheless, this release by Trio Wanderer and mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Semenchuk merits strong consideration as a standard recording ... Add in excellent sound from the Médiapôle Sainte-Cesaire in Arles, and the result is an extremely exciting Shostakovich release".

Limelight magazine

d. 30. Oct. 2020



Tony Way

d. 30. Oct. 2020

"A period of nearly 30 years separates these two works, yet each of them achieves maximum expression through careful, creative use of minimal musical materials, thus providing musical parables on the hard realities of Soviet Russia in which the works were conceived ... This well recorded disc serves as a reminder that the richness of Shostakovich's chamber output lies not only in the quartets, but in finely crafted works such as these".

RBB Kultur

d. 25. Aug. 2020



Clemens Goldberg

d. 25. Aug. 2020

"In politisch gefährlichen Zeiten schrieb Dmitri Schostakowitsch sein Klavierquintett g-Moll, ein Wunsch des Beethoven Quartetts. Die Uraufführung am 23. November 1940 war ein solch rauschender Erfolg, dass der Komponist die ganze Nacht durch die Strassen Moskaus irrte. Es war vermutlich die Verbindung der folkloristischen Melodien und der Tradition des Barock, die Schostakowitsch zu einer ganz eigenen Botschaft benutzte, die wohl auch verstanden worden war".

BBC music magazine

2020 December



Erik Levi

2020 December

"Chamber choice: Trio Wanderer have already established outstanding credentials in Shostakovich with their superb recording of the two Piano Trios. This warmly-engineered release, featuring the ensemble enlarged by violinist Catherine Montier and violist Christophe Gaugué in the Piano Quintet of 1940, consolidates this reputation with a performance that is comprehensively responsive to the various different strands in the work ... . The Seven Romances on Poems by Alexander Blok for mezzo-soprano and piano trio, composed 27 years after the Quintet, is yet more compelling ... and the individual members of Trio Wanderer capture the cycle's contrasting moods of despair, passion, violence, mystery and gentle lyricism with playing of magnetic power and imagination".





James Manheim


" Shostakovich's Piano Quintet, Op. 57, of 1940, with broad dramatic gestures that endeared the music to Soviet cultural commissars even if it lacked the requisite patriotic content, is effectively rendered here, but the real triumph of the Szymanowski Quartet and especially of German pianist Matthias Kirschnereit comes in the Weinberg, where a certain chilly voice of experience extraordinary in one so young comes through".





James Leonard


"This disc has the twin virtues of a fascinating program and compelling performance ... Though any Shostakovich fans no doubt already have three or four recordings of the quintet starting with the composer's own with the Beethoven quartet from 1955, they will still want to hear this superlative account".

MusicWeb international

2018 September



Dave Billinge

2018 September

"Recording of the month: The Piano Quintet was composed in 1940 in the wake of Shostakovich's prolonged work re-orchestrating Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov ... As is shown in the next String Quartet Op.68, he ... produces a searing piece full of powerful ideas that sets the standard for the long series of thirteen further quartets that were to follow ... The Beethoven Quartet premiered almost every one of the quartets, preparing them with the cooperation of the composer. By the end of this unsurpassable performance one can only take a deep breath and sit in silence ... Highly charged and executed with the utmost skill. It should not be forgotten that Shostakovich was always a fine pianist ... Both these performances should be in every self respecting Shostakovich collection no matter how many others one has. The presence of the composer as pianist makes this essential".


2020 novembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2020 novembre

Fono Forum

2021 Januar



Martin Demmler

2021 Januar

"Dimitri Schostakowitschs 1940 entstandenes Klavierquintett ist eines seiner populärsten Kammermusikwerke ... Der dunkle, timbrereiche Mezzosopran Ekaterina Semenchuks erweist sich als ideal für diese teils sehr zurückgenommenen, teils hochexpressiven Lyrikausdeutungen des späten Schostakowitsch. Das zum Quintett erweiterte Trio Wanderer zeigt in seinen sensiblen Interpretationen ein feines Gespür für den musikalischen Kosmos dieses unglaublich wandlungsfähigen Komponisten".

Fono Forum

2011 Juni



Ingo Harden

2011 Juni

"Die Realisierungen durch das Szymanowski-Quartett und Matthias Kirschnereit sind untadelig bis zum letzten Pianissimo".

BBC music magazine

2018 December



Julian Haylock

2018 December

"Boldly engineered and fresh-minted performances by Shostakovich and the Beethoven Quartet, the Piano Quintet particularly probing emotionally".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



David Gutman

2020 Awards

"Most remarkable is the beauty of sound, not only a matter of improving technology but confirmation of hte sensitive balance maintained by the players themselves. Tempos are mainstream ... dynamics are observed with tact and a certain decorum. Such music-making may satisfy lovers of the special intimacies of chamber music as much as dedicated admirers of the composer".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)

International record review

2008 January



Julian Haylock

2008 January

"This all-star performances ... pulsates with a rugged intensity that from the imposing opening bars compels the listener along irresistibly in one dramatic sweep ... Highly recommended".


2008 04



Jens Cornelius

2008 04

"Et fantastisk kammermusikhold ... Hovedværket er Sjostakovitjs saftige Klaverkvintet der spilles til stregen af ekspressivitet. Det kan virke påtrængende, men stilen er enerverende ægte! ... Et meget tilfredsstillende program, bedre end summen af de enkelte dele".


d. 13. Aug. 2000


d. 13. Aug. 2000

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 9. Oct. 2000


d. 9. Oct. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 12. Jan. 2000


d. 12. Jan. 2000

High fidelity

2000 2


2000 2

High fidelity

2003 2


2003 2