Music / pop

Primal heart

Reviews (3)





Heather Phares


"A consistently winning album, Primal Heart finds Kimbra hitting the sweet spot between imagination and accessibility -- if her nods to the mainstream get more ears pointed her way, so much the better".


d. 25. Apr. 2018



Eve Barlow

d. 25. Apr. 2018

"The New Zealand musician's third album is a collision of hard electronics with a touch of R&B. Though it contains moments of great power, it sounds like a work that's stuck between two places ... "Talk like I be the Messiah," she says, with excessive hubris. It's the kind of statement you want to root for by such a hugely talented artist. Her vocal delivery, however, isn't fierce enough to pull it off. Other than a few attention-grabbing choruses, the results are largely limp".

Gaffa [online]

d. 26. Apr. 2018



Simon Heggum

d. 26. Apr. 2018

"Og ja! For en gangs skyld spiller jeg bold på en uvant bane i GAFFA-regi. La musique pop. Der er langt fra doom-metal, IDM og tåbelige lydeksperimenter til Kimbras lydunivers. Men indimellem falder der en appelsin ned i turbanen, som ingen andre bemærker og som bør få mere opmærksomhed, end den får. En appelsin der gør at man må gribe den og sige: "Den her smager fandeme godt!". Jeg ville ønske, at flere pop-sangere lavede så personlige, melodiske og intelligente pop-albums, som Kimbra har gjort på Primal Heart. Nogle gange går tingene op i en højere enhed".