Music / rock

Primus & the chocolate factory

Reviews (4)





Gregory Heaney


"While having their most celebrated drummer on hand adds an element of stability to what is a pretty far-out concept even for Primus, the addition of Bass and Dillon allows Primus to really push their sound to its creative limits, making Primus & the Chocolate Factory one of the band's oddest, yet most strangely compelling, releases to date".


d. 17. Oct. 2014



Alan Ranta

d. 17. Oct. 2014

"Primus don't merely say they are re-inspired with this record; they sound like it. This is a perfect match of old school talent and righteous inspiration. Frank Zappa couldn't have done a better job of covering this soundtrack".


d. 23. Oct. 2014



Chris Conaton

d. 23. Oct. 2014

"As an experiment in radically rearranging existing music, this album is a massive success. As a listenable album, though, it falls a bit short ... As it is, I fear that this is a record that all but the most ardent Primus fans will listen to a few times and then put it away as a successful experiment but not a great album".

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Oct. 2014



Kristoffer Veirum

d. 18. Oct. 2014

"Primus' tilbagekomst på deres ottende album, Primus & the Chocolate Factory with the Fungi Ensemble, er en genfortolkning af filmsoundtracket til den originale "Willy Wonka & the Choclate Factory fra 1971 ... Lydbilledet er det af et komplekst, gakket soundtrack, og flere steder fristes man til at kalde udfoldelserne fusionsjazz - sære lyde og skæve taktarter. Det er ikke altid umiddelbart easy listening, men gentagende lyt giver afkast. Les Claypool folder sig helt ud, og resultatet er en gedigen hyldest til hans barndoms besættelse".