Music / kor

Resurrection of Christ

Reviews (5)

Presto classical




"The 'History of the Joyous and Victorious Resurrection of Our Only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ', composed by Heinrich Schütz in 1623, is regarded as the first oratorio in the German language ... The Thirty Years War had broken out in 1618, plunging Germany into a long period of tragedy. It was in this context that Schütz was to compose his most luminous works, those most imbued with faith and those which most clearly echo the experience he had acquired in Italy, which had already been completely conquered by the modern style. The Resurrection History, like no other work of Schütz, is packed with feats of harmonic derringdo - frequent use of augmented chords and surprising chord progressions juxtaposing distant keys after the manner of the stile concitato invented by Monteverdi, to mention only the most striking".


2019 juin



Jean-Luc Macia

2019 juin


2007 décembre



Roger Tellart

2007 décembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2020 February



David Vickers

2020 February

"La Petite Bande's slimline group of singers (gentle high tenors on the alto parts) and five instruments achieve refined lucidity; every detail is judged beautifully, and the crystalline narrative is supported throughout by organist Mario Sarecchia".

The gramophone

2014 October



Fabrice Fitch

2014 October

"Probably the closest we've got to a Schütz opera ... Hans-Christoph Rademann frames it with pieces of related subject matter on either side, which makes for a very effective programme ... With its bigger sound, warmer voices and more diversified approach, this new recording is the more immediately telling".