Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Schuberts Winterreise
Winterreise, Deutsch 911 (opus 89)

Reviews (5)

The guardian

d. 20. Sep. 2018



Erica Jeal

d. 20. Sep. 2018

"Zender transfers Schubert's piano part to a small orchestra of classical instruments ... The material is basically all Schubert's, but as the narrator continues down the road to madness, the familiar music blurs in and out of focus, stretches, slithers - or careers into an expressionist rant ... It's very well sung by Prégardien, who balances control and vulnerability persuasively".

Presto classical

d. 30. Sep. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. Sep. 2018

"Editors choices - September 2018: I've been fascinated by Hans Zender's expressionist re-imagining of Winterreise (which orchestrates and occasionally fragments Schubert's original) since seeing Ian Bostridge's Cabaret-esque performance at the Barbican two years ago; Prégardien plays it far straighter but is every bit as compelling, particularly in more lyrical songs such as Der Lindenbaum and Die Nebensonnenʺ.


2018 décembre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2018 décembre

Fono Forum

2018 Dezember



Gerhard Persché

2018 Dezember

"Beide Einspielungen sind indes vollgültige Exegesen von Hans Zenders genialem Werk ... Auch Julian Prégardiens Interpretation verdient - wie schon die seines Vaters - die Höchstnote".

The gramophone

2018 December



Tim Ashley

2018 December

"The playing is exemplary, and the beautifully balanced recording allows every textural and coloristic shift to register ... Prégardien sings with wonderful elegance and unforced sincerity of expression, which makes his swerves into Sprechgesang all the more shocking. He's a lighter-voiced, more impulsive protagonist than his father ... You might have qualms about the work itself but it's hard to imagine it more compellingly done".