Music / klassiske symfonier

Sinfonia drammatica

Reviews (6)

MusicWeb international

2016 May



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2016 May

"I've enjoyed John Neschling's Respighi cycle thus far ... [In] Respighi's sprawling, three-movement Sinfonia drammatica ... Neschling certainly underlines these attractive qualities; he also brings a pleasing degree of transparency to the mix ... Goodness, these Belgians play with great feeling, while Neschling shapes the music with commendable conviction and a sure sense of style ... This is a splendid album, and a must-have for those who warm to Neschling's way with this repertoire".


d. 9. June 2016



Thomas Michelsen

d. 9. June 2016

"Når det handler om at skrive virtuost farvemættet for stort orkester, var Respighi et geni ... Jeg garanterer, at musikken ved en blindlytning vil overraske positivt. Den store Sinfonia drammatica fra 1913-14 ligger tæt op ad Strauss, og elskere af Korngolds filmmusik fra Hollywood vil også fryde sig over bekendtskabet ... Og denne nyindspilning gør musikken en gedigen tjeneste".


2016 septembre



Rémy Louis

2016 septembre

BBC music magazine

2016 September



Oliver Condy

2016 September

"The pre-Fountains of Rome Sinfonia oozes Strauss but not yet the Respighi we know. The later, skittish overture Belfagor is more like it with its devilish colours and bitter sweetness. Fine performances".

Fono Forum

2016 November



Andreas Friesenhagen

2016 November

"Der Respighi-erfahrene Brasilianer John Neschling holt im Verein mit der Tontechnik wunderschöne spätromantische Farben aus der Sinfonie heraus, ist ansonsten aber auf Klarheit der Verläufe und strukturelle Übersichtlichkeit bedacht ... Der belgische Orchester ist den anspruchsvollen Partituren gewachsen".

The gramophone

2016 August



Tim Ashley

2016 August

"Neschling admirably sustains the fever pitch throughout - nothing becomes overblown or unduly hysterical - and the playing is first-rate in its dark intensity and force. The filler is the Belfagor overture ... an attractively scored piece of diablerie, superbly played".