Music / hip hop

Spirit world field guide

Reviews (3)





Paul Simpson


"Spirit World Field Guide is a compendium of supernatural tales, oddities, and surrealist narratives, preceded by an introduction in which Aesop Rock suggests that the listener skip to whichever section is most relevant to their spirit world experience, but still recommends listening to the entire record for context ... By the end of the album, Aesop essentially says that he expects his death will be uneventful, and that it's important to be as active and exploratory as possible while one is alive".


d. 14. Nov. 2020



Stephen Kearse

d. 14. Nov. 2020

"On his new album, the verbose rapper's fascination with creatures widens into a cosmology, resulting in the most joyous album he's ever made".

Spectrum culture

d. 19. Nov. 2020



Thomas Stremfel

d. 19. Nov. 2020

"At over an hour long, Spirit World Field Guide is not served well by the middling pace that Aesop Rock has adopted on almost every song. It's hard to justify the length of this project. The quality is consistent, but sitting through that much rap where every line needs deciphering can be exhausting, especially when the tracks start to blend together. Spirit World Field Guide is impressive, but it's nothing too out of the ordinary for the Portland, Oregon-based artist. Aesop Rock should continue to appeal to fans, but his latest isn't likely to attract many new listeners".