Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 2 : Resurrection

Anmeldelser (6)





James Leonard


"It is more controlled and more overtly emotional than his 1973 recording and less polished than his 2005 performance. Boulez's tempos are a bit on the quick side in the opening Allegro maestoso, Andante moderato, and Scherzo and a bit on the slow side in "Urlicht" and the Finale. The Berlin orchestra does not have as lovely a sound as the Vienna orchestra, but its playing is still able, adept, and always together".

MusicWeb international

2019 June



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 June

"I may as well come clean and say straightaway that the Zimmermann concerto does nothing at all for me. That's not to say that it's a `bad' piece - whatever that may mean - but I simply don't understand it at all, nor do I find it remotely appealing ... I feel on safer ground when it comes to the Mahler ... I don't believe I've heard the young Russian mezzo, Ekaterina Gubanova before ... I was very impressed with her delivery of 'Urlicht'. The voice is full, rich and ... I liked very much the sound that she makes ... This is a pretty compelling performance of the 'Resurrection' Symphony. The orchestral playing is superb, as you'd expect, and the quality of the singing is no less fine. Andris Nelsons is in his element with this dramatic, highly charged work".


d. 27. jan. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 27. jan. 2009

"En afmagret Abbado, der dengang, for fem år siden, var truet på livet af cancer, dirigerer stjerner som fløjtenisten Emmanuel Pahud, klarinettisten Sabine Meyer og oboisten Albrecht Mayer i en klar, dynamisk udgave af den store symfoni, hvor koret Orféon Donostiarra sætter trumf på med Klopstocks opstandelsesbudskab. Indspilningen er for længst ude på cd fra Deutsche Grammophon, men det er en oplevelse at se Abbados koncentration og musikernes hengivne opmærksomhed".


d. 29. jan. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 29. jan. 2009

"Store koncertoptagelser er mere sjældne på dvd end operaopførelser ... De to Mahler-optagelser [symfoni nr. 2 og 3] kan kun betegnes som gribende ... Den svenske Anna Larsson er en fremragende altsolist på dem begge. I Opstandelsessymfonien har hun Eteri Gvazava og Oréon Donstiarra ved sin side, i den tredje symfoni damerne fra Arnold Schoenberg Chor og Tölzer Knabenchor. Det kan være lige meget, hvilken dvd man køber først, for derpå vil man have dem begge".


2019 septembre



Rémy Louis

2019 septembre

The gramophone

2019 August



Peter Quantrill

2019 August

"For all the Wozzecks and Lulus they have played, the orchestra does not feel at home in Zimmermann's protest-concerto against the injustice of racism ... The orchestra put heart and soul into this Resurrection Symphony, and Nelsons lets them play ... The spell cast by Ekaterina Gubanova's restrained 'Urlicht' ... and well-contrasted duet with a radiant-sounding Lucy Crowe form the high points of an account that privileges grandeur over moment-to-moment tension".