Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony : Mathis der Maler

Reviews (15)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"Yes, there are many fine versions of these works, and these performances stand among them. Hindemith doesn't offer the interpreter many opportunities to give his music a distinctive profile: the key is keeping tempos lively and the playing up to snuff. Järvi does just that ... The couplings are also interesting. Nobody plays the Five Pieces for String Orchestra in concert, but they are, like most Hindemith, good, solid music with plenty of character ... Järvi does all he can with it. Fine sonics cap a really fine release of music that seems to be hanging on to the fringes of the repertoire by its fingernails".

Klassik heute

d. 10. undefined 2015



Rasmus van Rijn

d. 10. undefined 2015

"Erstens habe ich ein Faible für den späteren, gereiften Hindemith. Zweitens ist die Kopplung der beiden symphonischen Meisterwerke ideal. Und drittens bewegt sich die musikalische Realisation auf einem derart beachtlichen Niveau, dass ich mich auf die Vergabe der drei obligatorischen Noten beschränken und die CD lieber gleich noch ein weiteres Mal hören sollte".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



Marc Rochester

2022 January

"Recommended: The short, one-act opera, Sancta Susanna is described here as "Hindemith's first real masterpiece", and listening to this powerful and absorbing performance, it is hard to disagree. Marin Alsop made her debut as Chief Conductor of the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra with a concert presentation of the work (this recording is of that live performance) and a very impressive debut it was. She shows a strong understanding of Hindemith's musical language as well as an inescapable sense of involvement in the work, and is magnificently supported by her new Viennese players ... Performances of powerful and colourful music which are matched by performances every bit as compelling and dramatic".

MusicWeb international

2018 September



Robert Cummings (musikanmelder)

2018 September

"Here Järvi and company make a good case for Hindemith as a heavyweight among his contemporaries. Järvi delivers fairly straightforward but detailed readings which are intelligently phrased and well recorded. The Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra plays splendidly for him, sounding world-class in their precision and collective technique ... Excellent sound throughout this disc ... These performances, recorded from 2010 to 2013, are being issued here for the first time. Thus, one wonders what took so long. Whatever the reason, I'm happy they're finally available ... As a collection, this new effort by Paavo Järvi is simply hard to beat. Highly recommended!".

MusicWeb international

2015 October



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2015 October

"Eschenbach gives middling performances of both works; Blomstedt is still my first choice for Mathis, Tortelier my pick for the partnering symphony".


d. 1. Dec. 2021



Thomas Michelsen

d. 1. Dec. 2021

"Den tyske komponist Paul Hindemith skrev i begyndelsen af 1930'erne både en opera og en symfoni om 1500-tals-maleren Matthias Grünewald, hvis altertavle i middelalderstil i kirken i Colmar - det såkaldte Isenheimeralter - er et af verdens kunstneriske vidundere ... Symfonien er udkommet i en stærk ny indspilning med det østrigske radiosymfoniorkester dirigeret af Marin Alsop ... Messingblæsere lader karske intervaller stige mod himlen med mindelser om Bartóks musik, mens de kontrapunktisk sammenvævede melodilinjer rejser sig selvsikkert i symfoniens indledende 'Englekoncert' ... Med et hold af kompetente sangere anført af sopranen Ausrine Stundyte som Susanna er dette album en stærk indføring i yderpunkterne i Hindemiths musikalske univers og hans tidlige ekspressionistiske værker".

BBC music magazine

2022 January



Jeremy Pound

2022 January

"Hindemith's reputation as a soulless, functional operator is belied by the three works here, which are, in turns, witty (Das Nusch-Nuschi), eerily unsettling (Sancta Susanna) and dramatic (Symphony 'Mathis der Maler'). All are performed with admirable flair and passion by Alsop and her Viennese forces".

Fono Forum

2011 Oktober



Giselher Schubert

2011 Oktober

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Hinzu kommt noch, neben der stimmigen, geradezu dramturgisch wirkenden Tempowahl, endlich einmal eine dynamisch reich gestaffelte Ausgestaltung des Musikablaufs mit richtig sitzenden, machtvoll-erhebenden, ausdrucksstarken Höhepunkten, so dass diesen Aufnahmen nich weniger als Referenzeinspielungen enstanden sind".

Fono Forum

2016 Februar



Giselher Schubert

2016 Februar

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Das NDR Sinfonieorchester aus Hamburg zeigt sich solchen sehr anspruchsvollen Herausforderungen nicht bloss gewachsen, sondern verwandelt sie in erhebend-glanzvolle, geradezu mitreissende Musik, weil Christoph Eschenbach die richtigen Vortragstempi wählt, mit denen sich die spezifisch klanglichen Qualitäten der Partituren voll entfalten und durchsetzen können ... Das ist Phänomenal".


2016 avril



Rémy Louis

2016 avril

BBC music magazine

2016 February



John Allison (f. 1965)

2016 February

"Eschenbach and the NDR Symphony Orchestra give a fine performance, in quite spacious tempos ... [And] the recorded sound is good - you wouldn't know it is 'live' ... Eschenbach has all the requisite feeling for Hindemith's world".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 2. Feb. 2004


d. 2. Feb. 2004

The gramophone

2022 March



Guy Rickards

2022 March

"The 'Mathis der Maler' Symphony (1933-34) gets top billing here but it is the third recording of Hindemith's still controversial third opera, 'Sancta Susanna' - release in its centenary year - that will be the main draw, I suspect ... Ausrine Stundyte is ... secure in her vocal range with a voice that is capable of sensitive expressivity as well as power ... The Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra lack the last ounce of finesse and power ... but, again, there is nothing inadequate in their contribution ... Alsop's pacing is sure and steady ... I like Alsop's thoughtful, considered performance of the symphony".

The gramophone

2011 Awards



Guy Rickards

2011 Awards

"The performance of the Mathis symphony is similarly inspired - the hushed opening is near-revelatory - although in a couple of places Neschling strives a tounch too hard (by reigning in the pace) for gravity. These are minor blemishes in an otherwise fine account".

The gramophone

2015 November



Tim Ashley

2015 November

"Eschenbach's trademark fondness for textural warmth and clarity is much to the fore in Mathis, where strings and woodwind are admirably numinous ... [His] approach to the underrated Symphony in E flat, meanwhile, is epic, thoughtful and at times startlingly measured".