Music / andre koncerter

The moon & the forest

Reviews (3)

The observer

d. 15. May 2021



Fiona Maddocks

d. 15. May 2021

"Miloš's aim is to find new works that can match the popularity of that mainstay for guitar and orchestra, Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez. In its journeys from poetic intimacy to high-energy rhythmic finale, Talbot's work is idiomatic, meticulously detailed, the balance between soloist and orchestra well-achieved. The second premiere, The Forest, is a less meaty, impressionistic work by the film composer Howard Shore (The Lord of the Rings)".

BBC music magazine

2021 July



Steph Power

2021 July

"Not many musicians become popular enough to be identifiable by their first name alone. That the Montenegrin guitarist Milo Karadaglic has achieved this is testament to his charismatic brilliance as well as his cross-genre mainstream appeal. Both qualities emerge through this album of specially commissioned concertos by Howard Shore and Joby Talbot, although the material they provide is disappointingly insubstantial ... More satifying are Michael Lewin's solo arrangements of Schumann's Träumerei ... and Ludovico Einaudi's Full Moon".

The gramophone

2021 June



Tim Ashley

2021 June

"Editor's choice: Listen to the two solo guitar works on the present recording. In Einaudi's Full Moon and especially in Schumann's Träumerei, Miloš Karadaglić artfully deploys string pizzicatos, soft flute- and bassoon-like colours and more, evoking 'an orchestra in miniature' ... Premiere recordings of two dazzling new concertos which offer new perspectives on the relationship between guitar and orchestra, performed with considerable conviction and élan. What's not to like?".