Music / electronica

The secret of letting go

Reviews (2)





Paul Simpson


"British duo Lamb wrote and recorded their seventh studio full-length after completing a European tour which commemorated the 21st anniversary of their beloved 1996 debut. Since that album's release, Lou Rhodes and Andy Barlow have continually refined their genre-splicing sound without losing their touch for relating deep human emotions. The duo's songs have often featured complex arrangements that draw from jazz and drum'n'bass, but they've always served as a pedestal for Rhodes' grand, poetic sentiments. The Secret of Letting Go retains that balance of experimentation and pure feeling, and sounds perfectly at home within Lamb's discography. Rhodes' lyrics are heavy on references to physical sensations, particularly touch and taste, and they aim to capture those feelings during particular moments rather than tell stories".


d. 12. May 2019



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 12. May 2019

"Manchester-duoen Lamb red på 1990'erne triphop-bølger, der havde Massive Attack, Tricky og Portishead som hovednavne. Alle nævnte navne har overlevet genren og skubber fortsat grænserne for, hvordan deres musik kan lyde, og det gør Lamb heldigvis også ... Maskinmester Andy Barlow og sangeren Lou Rhodes har på dette album - det første i fem år - kreeret en form for klaustrofobisk, teatralsk pop, som kæver en del gennemlytninger, før den for alvor folder sig ud. Musikken er tålmodigheden værd".

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