Music / opera

The thirteenth child : an opera in two acts

Reviews (4)

The guardian

d. 18. July 2019



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 18. July 2019

"It's very rare for a new opera to make it on to disc before it is seen in public. But Poul Ruders' fifth stage work, due to receive its world premiere at Santa Fe Opera next week, is an exception ... Even with two acts compressed into less than 80 minutes, there is plenty of space for lyrical solo numbers in Ruders' score, which veers between mid-Atlantic neoromanticism and something edgier and more expressionist in the orchestral interludes ... It's particularly Sarah Shafer in the role of Lyra who makes the most of his smoothly contoured vocal writing".

BBC music magazine

2019 November



Steph Power

2019 November

"For his fifth opera, Danish composer Poul Ruders has turned to the Grimms' lesser-known fairytale, 'The Twelve Princes' ... Musically and dramatically it's an idiosyncratic piece ... Vocal and orchestral leitmotifs help to pinpoint action and contrasting mood, yet the characters sing throughout in similarly paced arioso lines, which are not always helpfully prominent above the orchestra. However, the cast is uniformly strong and the Bridge Academy Singers and Odense Symphony Orchestra impressively committed ... Much of the orchestral writing is striking".

The gramophone

2019 Awards



Guy Rickards

2019 Awards

"The whole musical fabric has been knitted together very nicely indeed and this fine recording does not betray its longer-than-usual genesis. The plot is an expanded version of the Brothers Grimm's The 12 Princes ... Ruders responded with beguilingly orchestrated music that moves from light to dark before reattaining the light with most people getting what they deserve ... The end result is often enchanting, dramatic and beautifully rendered on disc".


2019, nr. 54


2019, nr. 54

"Poul Ruders begyndte at skrive sin femte opera, The Thirteenth Child, uden at have en aftale med et operahus i stand på forhånd ... Plottet bygger på Grimms 'De tolv brødre', et eventyr om en konge, der på grund af overtro bandlyser sine sønner, da hans trettende barn viser sig at være af hunkøn ... Komponisten kalder selv værket for en 'feel-good-opera'. Bloggen synes om udgivelsen og kalder den 80 minutter lange opera for 'et fascinerende værk, der tåler gentaget lytning'. The Guardian kvitterer med tre ud af fem stjerner til cd'en under overskriften 'et easygoing eventyr med et strejf af ondskab'".