Music / solosang

Vier ernste Gesänge

Reviews (10)

The guardian

d. 30. June 2016



Kate Molleson

d. 30. June 2016

"The longstanding duo of baritone Matthias Goerne and conductor/pianist Christoph Eschenbach bring well-signposted stormy grandeur to a collection of Brahms songs ... His gravelly low notes can be glorious, his long phrases are powerful and his high pianissimos are especially poignant ... The finest-grained colours come from the piano: Eschenbach knows when to push and when to linger".

Presto classical

d. 17. June 2016



Katherine Cooper

d. 17. June 2016

"Vurdering: Presto disc of the week" - "No-one broods quite like Matthias Goerne, and if his new recital of Brahms songs makes for a decidedly sombre listening experience, it's also an absolutely unmissable one ... His oaky, sturdy voice has taken on darker and more dramatic hues of late ... There's a special sort of alchemy in his partnership with Eschenbach, too, to the extent that it often feels as if we're listening to a single performer".


d. 3. Oct. 2016



Thomas Michelsen

d. 3. Oct. 2016

"Matthias Goerne lader sin sfæriske basbaryton klinge stort og sort ... Brahms skrev sine Fire alvorlige sange, da hans livs kærlighed, Clara Schumann, lå for døden ... og når Goerne slipper kroppen og lader stemmen svæve, er der dømt gribende weltschmerz".


d. 16. Aug. 2005


d. 16. Aug. 2005

Fono Forum

2016 September



Johannes Schmitz

2016 September

"Goerne nimmt den Schmerz und die Verzweiflung im dramatischen Sinn sehr ernst und lässt seine Stimme gross und frei strömen. Sein Gesang ist dabei stets ein einziges Legato ... mitunter ein wenig auf Kosten der Textverständlichkeit ... Hier schaffen Goerne und Eschenbach sehr emotionale musikalische Erzählungen".


2016 juillet-août



Hélène Cao

2016 juillet-août


2016, nr. 43



Henrik Engelbrecht

2016, nr. 43

"Eschenbach er den ideelle partner for Goerne. Sammen tager de os med på en rejse ind i Brahms' dystre univers med uendelig ro og afklaret, og de giver plads til hinanden, skiftevis lyttende og førende. Kammermusik på allerhøjeste plan ... Lyt til nogle af de smukkeste sange, der er skrevet på tysk, med to eminente kunstnere ... Lieder bliver ikke bedre end på cd'en her".

BBC music magazine

2016 September



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2016 September

"Goerne remains a fine Lieder singer, even if he lacks the lyrical flow and range of colour of some of the very greatest exponents of the genre. He shows a careful attention to text, though there's also a tendency to overemphasis ... He finds a contemplative depth for the Four Serious Songs, however, with the sorrow and tenderness of the second beautifully suggested".

The gramophone

2016 September



Hugo Shirley

2016 September

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "It's music that's very well suited to his voice: grainy and gentle and with that characteristic burnished-mahogany tone ... This is supremely seductive Lieder singing, with a natural intelligence and ease with the words, matched by playing from Christoph Eschenbach that coaxes and caresses the piano with loving delicacy".


d. 2. July 2000


d. 2. July 2000