Music / violinkoncerter

Violin concerto

Reviews (43)





James Leonard


"He consistently triumphs over every difficulty, and his performance is as emotionally affecting as it is musically impressive. On the podium, Znaider has a true partner in Colin Davis, and together with the superlative Staatskapelle Dresden, they turn in one of the finest recordings of Elgar's Concerto ever made. Recorded in lush and enveloping digital sound, this disc should be heard by anyone who likes the work or enjoys great violin playing".

The guardian

d. 14. May 2020



Erica Jeal

d. 14. May 2020

"Benedetti's vibrant, beefy full-throttle tone is made for the concerto, and she's an assertive soloist, never disappearing into the glowing textures the London Philharmonic weaves around her. Vladimir Jurowski conducts with a clear eye on the work's huge dimensions, and Benedetti, too, shapes the violin's restless music into long, sinewy paragraphs. Her interpretation may lack the introspective quality of the revelatory recording Nigel Kennedy made back in the mid 1980s, and you occasionally wish Jurowski would risk letting the orchestra run away from him, but the end result is a performance with a sure sense of direction and lots of heart".





James Manheim


"This is a big outing for violinist Nicola Benedetti: the Elgar Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61, is a difficult work both technically and interpretively, and although it has been popular on recordings since the first one appeared in 1929, it is not exactly a crowd-pleaser; Benedetti scores here with a reading that steers a middle path between some well-established approaches ... A fine Elgar concerto that can stand comparison with the other big ones on the market".

The guardian

d. 25. Feb. 2021



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 25. Feb. 2021

"Simon Rattle takes the concerto back to the 19th century and Renaud Capuçon's partnership with Stephen Hough for the sonata is a meeting of equals".

The guardian

d. 28. Jan. 2010



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 28. Jan. 2010

"Znaider is a wonderfully supple player, and his partnership with Colin Davis is clearly highly productive: the way Davis shapes the orchestra around Znaider's silvery spun line in the slow movement is an object lesson in how to support a soloist. Znaider also has all the virtuosity the bravura passages demand, and the way he launches the ­finale is dazzling".

Presto classical

d. 7. Aug. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 7. Aug. 2020

"Recording of the week: The Elgar is a work which wears its heart squarely on its sleeve (the composer sheepishly described it as 'awfully emotional'), and Benedetti embraces its full-throttle ardour with open arms ... And there's something about her rapid vibrato and lean, muscular tone which puts me in mind of the very earliest recordings of the piece ... The three evergreens which follow are beautifully done, and given with an almost homely intimacy".

d. 19. Mar. 2021



Raliza Nikolov

d. 19. Mar. 2021

"CD der Woche: Es ist wundervoll zu spüren, wie der französische Geiger diese innige wie verhangene, von tiefer Melancholie wie Wärme geprägte Klangsprache aufnimmt ... Keineswegs nur als Zugabe steht die Violinsonate e-Moll an der Seite des Violinkonzerts. Und auch dies ist nicht zu bemerken: Dass Renaud Capuçon und Stephen Hough noch gar nicht lange gemeinsam im Duo agieren ... Edel und sensibel ist auch das Zwiegespräch dieser beiden grossen Künstler".

MusicWeb international

2021 February



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2021 February

"I don't know how long Renaud Capuçon has been living with these Elgar works or how often he's had the opportunity to perform them in concert but he displays a fine feeling for both of them. In particular he's in tune with the introspective, melancholy poetry in these two scores. I enjoyed both performances very much and Capuçon certainly made me think afresh about the concerto. His partnerships with Sir Simon Rattle and Stephen Hough have been very fruitful. I would encourage all Elgar devotees to hear these thoughtful and thought-provoking performances".

The Classic Review

d. 19. Mar. 2021



Azusa Ueno

d. 19. Mar. 2021

"This album brings out in earnest what Capuçon himself mentions as the nobility, tenderness, and poetry of Elgar's writing. A fine effort and one I recommend without reservation".

MusicWeb international

2013 April



Nick Barnard (musikanmelder)

2013 April

"What is 'special' about this version? To my ear it is the total unity of vision between soloist, orchestra and podium ... Manoukian is completely on top of this work which is demanding both in its length and virtuosity. Throughout, this is a vibrantly passionate performance but one that does not sacrifice beauty of tone. At the same time, she does not exaggerate the music's high Romanticism ... The disc is completed with two Elgar miniatures for violin and piano ... There is a touchingly intimate simplicity to the playing here that allows the spirit of the music to shine through ... A potent and exciting team. More please".


d. 3. Feb. 2010



Thomas Michelsen

d. 3. Feb. 2010

"Resultatet er af mange grunde en ny referenceindspilning af et værk, som er næsten lige så mystisk som de berømte Enigma Variationer ... En indspilning, som med Znaiders ekstreme stilsikkerhed og nuancerede virtuositet yder Elgars saftige koncert fuld retfærdighed".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. Dec. 2007



Jakob Holm

d. 19. Dec. 2007

"En på alle måder fortræffelig udgivelse. Rent teknisk er det svært at sætte en finger på noget, og det musikalske niveau og fantasien i fortolkningen er meget, meget stor ... Hans forrige cd, en indspilning af Barber, Korngold og Waltons violinkoncerter var fremragende, og denne er mindst lige så god. Her demonstrerer han atter en overskudspræget virtuositet med en smuk tone, men denne gang med en endnu dybere følt udførelse som resultat. En af verdens førende Elgar-dirigenter, Sir Andrew Davis, hjælper ham godt på vej sammen med det London-baserede Philharmonia Orchestra".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. Oct. 2004


d. 19. Oct. 2004


d. 18. Oct. 2004


d. 18. Oct. 2004


2010, nr. 17



Bo Holten

2010, nr. 17

"Znaiders tilgang til koncerten er overmåde følsom, og han udviser en helt selvfølgelig glæde ved de elgarske melodislynger ... Der er en helt besættende akkuratesse i Znaiders spil, som får nye detaljer frem, selvfølgelig også takket være en glimrende teknisk optagelse. Partituret, og også solostemmen, er spækket med fortolkningsmæssige detaljer, og Znaider gengiver dem med stor trofasthed og indlevelse".

Fono Forum

2020 Dezember



Norbert Hornig

2020 Dezember

"Der überbordende Charakter von Edward Elgars Violinkonzert verlangt nach einem schwärmerischen Geigenton. Den hat Nicola Benedetti zu bieten, sie legt sich hinein in ihren Part, schwelgt und singt mit Inbrunst. Und wenn gefordert, etwa im ersten Satz, agiert sie auch mit grosser Vehemenz und solistisch hochfahrend. So stehen sich verschwen­derische Lyrik und offensive geigerische Brillanz kontrastreich gegenüber. Für das souveräne Orchester ist Elgar quasi ein 'Heimspiel'. Drei kleine Elgar-Preziosen als Zugabe erfreuen zum Schluss".

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Daniel Jaffé

2020 September

"Nicola Benedetti and Vladimir Jurowski present a quite different interpretation ... from the fleeting, quasi-improvisatory qualities found by other performers such as Nigel Kennedy ... The London Philharmonic Orchestra gives as deft and polished a performance as one expects ... but for Elgar, structural mastery was not an end in itself".


2020 novembre



Jean-Michel Molkhou

2020 novembre

BBC music magazine

2006 July



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2006 July

"This is a passionate, strongly argued performance, with Graffin's extrovert solo performance well supported by the RLPO and Handley ... Well worht repeated hearings".

Fono Forum

2021 April



Norbert Hornig

2021 April

"Dass englische Musik bei englischen Musikern besonders gut aufgehoben sei, mag man als Klsichee abtun. Wenn man die Aufnahme von Elgars Violinkonzert mit Renaud Capuçon, dem London Syymphony Orchestra und Simon Rattle hört, kann man diesen Eindruck aber durchaus haben. Elgars spätromantische Musik erklingt hier mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit und Beredtheit, dass man geneigt es, wirklich von einer besonderen Verbundenheit der Musiker mit diesem Komponisten zu sprechen ... Alles bleibt in Bewegung, der Klang wirkt opulent, aber nicht übersättigt ... Capuçon entlockt seiner Guarneri einen facettenreichen Ton, die Qualität des Instrumentes ist superb".

BBC music magazine

2021 May



Terry Blain

2021 May

"Accuracy matters, and violinist Renaud Capuçon has it in abundance ... He is, though, much more than a technical sharp-shooter ... Taken whole, this generous, richly enjoyable disc is an easy recommendation for either seasoned Elgarians or complete newcomers to his music".

BBC music magazine

2010 May



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2010 May

"Able to marry impassioned purpose with appreciation of Elgar's complexity ... Mark Elder's direction here is stunning".

Fono Forum

2019 Juli



Norbert Hornig

2019 Juli

"Die spätromantisch überbordende Klanglichkeit von Elgars Violinkonzert verlangt nach einem Ton von Kraft und Fülle. Thomas Albertus Irnberger ist in dieser Hinsicht geradezu prädestiniert für dieses Werk. Er lässt den Violinpart erblühen. Solistisch Hochfahrend und mit beeindruckender geigerischer Souveränität meistert er die zahlreichen technischen Herausforderungen".


2019 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2019 juin

BBC music magazine

2009 January



Jessica Duchen

2009 January

"Despite stiff competition Gil Shaham's reading of the Elgar Concerto has been hotly anticipated ... He does produce som real marvels ... the recorded sound is very bright and transparent".


2014, nr. 53



Thomas Roth

2014, nr. 53

"Det är helt enkelt en av de bästa tolkningarna någonsin av Elgars violinkonsert. Solisten är toppen, orkester och dirigent likaså ... Catherine Manoukian spelarmed sådan finess att jag bara njuter med ett stort smil ... Två korta stycken för violin och piano avslutar en juvel til cd".

Fono Forum

2013 Mai



Norbert Hornig

2013 Mai

"Catherine Manoukian ... hat den Solopart nicht nur geigerisch sicher im Griff, sie gestaltet zudem mit anziehend romantischer Tongebung und musikalischer Übersicht ... Der grosse Beifall ... bestätigt das hohe Niveau der Interpretation mit Nachdruck".

BBC music magazine

2010 Christmas



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2010 Christmas

"There's plenty of fire and earthy intensity in her playing too, but it's rare that the sense of underlying purpose isn't present".

The gramophone

2020 June



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2020 June

"Editor's choice: Thoughtful is how I'd describe Jurowski's conducting ... Perhaps the most moving aspect of this performance - also testimony to Benedetti's knack of getting under the skin the piece - is the finale's haunting accompanied cadenza ... Benedetti shines a beam on [the Concerto's] reigning quality: sincerity. Nobility too ... Although other digital versions (Ehnes, Hahn, Znaider, Kennedy etc) have also moved me, none that I can recall has made me more keenly aware of just what a great work this is".


2020, nr. 97



Axel Lindhe

2020, nr. 97

"Elgars romantiska och innerliga konsert, komponerad för Fritz Kreisler, lever ett liv i skymundan av Brahms, Tjajkovskijs och Mendelssohns konserter, men förtjäar verkligen en plats jämsides med dessa och Benedettis fullödiga och uttrycksfulla violinton passar den här själfulla musiken perfekt. Oemotståndligt vackert".

The gramophone

2006 June



Edward Greenfield

2006 June

"Graffins performance with the ever-understanding backing of Vernon Handley and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic is most distinguished. I cannot remember one on disc that so magically exploits the range of pianissimo that the score asks for ... The sound is first-rate and the disc comes with comprehensive notes".

The gramophone

2008 January



Andrew Achenbach

2008 January

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "A performance of conspicuous pedegree and insight guaranteed to make you fall in love all over again with this sublime music and which can only boost Ehnes's standing as one of the most gifted and charismatic fiddlers around".


2008 02



Jens Cornelius

2008 02

"Den 31-årige canadiske violinist James Ehnes er på sin nye indspilning en perfekt solist. Han har en utrolig velfriseret, aristokratisk stil med overlegen kontrol over klang og artikulation".

BBC music magazine

2008 January



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2008 January

"James Ehnes has a lovely ripe vibrato and an expressive opnenness that touches the heart from his first entry".

The gramophone

2021 April



Jeremy Dibble

2021 April

"Editor's choice: This highly engaging performance by Rattle, the LSO and Renaud Capuçon has all the athleticism Elgar's score demands ... Capuçon's interpretation is undoubtedly an exceptional one in its affection and sympathy for the long, plangent lines of Elgar's score; it is also a reading intensified by the empathetic support and élan of Rattle and the LSO".

International record review

2010 April



Nigel Simeone

2010 April

"Zehetmair is a player of extraordinary imagination and the entensity of his performance ... is somewhat that draws the listener into the heart of the work in a most exciting way ... Elder and the Hallé are magnificent partners, relishing every moment of the extremely virtuosic writing, and Elder is never afraid to unleash the full power of the orchestra".


d. 16. Mar. 1999


d. 16. Mar. 1999

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)

International record review

2008 December



John Warrack

2008 December

"A somewhat dry recording does not always do justice to Elgar's beautiful scoring ... There is more richness and warmth to be found in the work's subtle textures".

The gramophone

2013 April



Andrew Achenbach

2013 April

"Manoukian's account of the Elgar [Concerto] is brimful of expressive fibre, acumen and intrepid character. Moreoever, she distils no want of wistful tenderness or fragrant poetry when the music demands it ... Manoukian is watchfully partnered by Stefan Solyom and his beautifully prepared Weimar band (which can boast a particularly eloquent viola section) ... Her playing evinces both passion and grace in abundance. Well worth checking out".

International record review

2010 December



John Warrack

2010 December

"Tasmin Little's performance has much of this freedom and ardour, something which may sound spontaneous but can come only from long study".

The gramophone

2010 December



Edward Greenfield

2010 December

"Vurdering: E - Editor's choice" - "Little, on the other hand, finds an element of wit in the fast-moving figuration ... Crowning the whole project is a stunning performance of Elgar's 1916 tribute to beleaguered Poland during the First World War ... recording that is outstandingly vivid even by Chandos's highest standards".