Music / soul

While you were sleeping

Reviews (3)





Thom Jurek


"The contrasting elements of pointillist rock guitars and warm indie electronica bump against the interlocking rhythm section. Al Green's "Simply Beautiful," features guest trumpeter and labelmate Takuya Kuroda delivering a fine solo. It's no ordinary cover. James recombines jazz, soul, and blues in a compelling arrangement that frames his trademark phrasing with tender yet sultry delivery. It underscores how provocative While You Were Sleeping is. With James' voice and nearly iconic harmonic sensibility as a guide, these genres flow into, rub against, and ultimately redefine one another. His creative reach, at least at this juncture appears to be boundless".


d. 24. Aug. 2014



Niels Overgård

d. 24. Aug. 2014

"Der er elementer af nutidige stjerner som Miguel og Frank Ocean i hans musik. Han er inspireret af noget af det samme som dem. Der har også sneget sig inspiration fra både Jimi Hendrix og Marvin Gaye ind i musikken. Lige her er streaming-tjenesten Spotify sgu' meget fedt. Så går det altså hurtigt med at hoppe fra de dårlige numre - som så heller aldrig får en ordentlig chance. Men det synes jeg ikke er det værd, når han nu laver nogle andre fede sager".


2014 July



Sean J. O'Connell

2014 July

"James is a welcome youthful bridge from the jazz world to the r&b scene, but this album is a little too schizophrenic".