Musik / klassiske symfonier

Aimer et mourir : danses et mélodies

Anmeldelser (16)

Classics today




Joseph Stevenson


"Performance and audio quality vary in this DG Concerts download, recorded at separate concerts in September, 2006 and April, 2007 ... Given the many excellent performances available of those three pieces, this leaves only The Song of the Nightingale as reasonably competitive".

MusicWeb international

2018 October



Michael Cookson

2018 October

"The two Daphnis et Chloé suites contain marvelous music ... Ticciati presides over fresh and polished playing from his Berlin players producing vivid colouration ... Parisian composer Duparc is best known for his melodies ... This is deliciously seductive singing from Kožená, displaying her excellent mid-range to mesmerising effect ... Throughout this album, a masterclass in orchestral colour and atmosphere, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin under Robin Ticciati excels in this French repertoire and I look forward to more recordings in this series".

Presto classical

d. 30. sep. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. sep. 2018

"Editor's choices - September 2018: The honeymoon-period certainly hasn't worn off on this second all-French album from Ticciati and his new Berlin orchestra; the balance and clarity he achieves throughout is something to marvel at, and the sunrise in the second Daphnis suite is all the more glorious for the slow build-up, which is strung out for all its worth. Kožená is on languorous, pellucid form in four orchestrations of Duparc songs".


d. 5. feb. 2008



Thomas Stolting

d. 5. feb. 2008

"Resultatet på denne cd er bestemt udmærket. I Ravels "Daphnis et Chloé, suite nr. 2" er det dejligt at høre, hvor transparent en klang New Yorkernes strygere spiller med ... Generelt måtte Maazel godt give orkestret lidt friere tøjler ... I Stravinskys orkestersuite "Ildfuglen" bliver man slemt skuffet, når man hører den langsomme sats "Prinsessernes dans" ... I den flotte finale skal messinggruppen simpelthen have lov til at være mere dominerende. Det fjerde hjerte er tilegnet orkestrets strygergruppe og solofløjtenist".


d. 29. jan. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 29. jan. 2008

"Det er en flot optagelse med Ravels anden suite fra Daphnis og Chloé og Rapsodie espagnole i en flot, lys og gennemhørbar klang. Ikke mindre imponerende er Stravinskijs 1919-suite fra Ildfuglen og Nattergalens sang. En cd for yndere af flot, moderne orkesterklang".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. mar. 2008



Jakob Holm

d. 26. mar. 2008

"To værker af henholdsvis Ravel og Stravinskij fra omegnen af Første Verdenskrig behandles med ynde og lethed. Både Ravels "Dafnis og Chloé" og "Spansk Rapsodi" spilles med et utroligt sanseligt nærvær ... Samme overlegenhed og teknisk fremragende fortolkninger finder man af Stravinskijs "Nattergalens sang" og "Ildfuglen". Man mærker orkestrets overskud i disse brillante udførelser, men man mærker også, at Maazel spiller musikken, som det passer ham".

BBC music magazine

2010 January



Christopher Dingle

2010 January

"In terms of playing, there is much to admire ... In fact, there are plenty of exquisite moments from every corner of the orchestra, but this somehow adds up to less than the sum of its parts".

Fono Forum

2018 Dezember



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

2018 Dezember

"Mag sein, dass Ticciati eine Spur hinter den hohen Erwartungen zurückbleibt, die man an ihn stellt. Beim Orchesterklang indes hat er schon jetzt Erstaunliches bewirkt".


2019, nr. 52



Mikael Garnæs

2019, nr. 52

"I dette program af Ravel og Duparc ... er størstedelen af musikken præget af en sensuel og meget tillokkende tone, og det meget franske program får en smuk og idiomatisk udførelse. Pudsigt nok af et tysk orkester med en britisk dirigent og en tjekkisk solist".

BBC music magazine

2018 November



Daniel Jaffé

2018 November

"Coupling well-loved Ravel with a late-19th century master of mélodie, Duparc, seems inspired. The troubled late-Romantic sensibility of 'Invation au Voyage' is particularly telling after the frest and emotionally uncomplicated world of Daphnis et Chloé with which the album opens. In that suite, Robin Ticciati and his orchestra bring out Ravel's colours with precision and vibrancy in a far from routine performance ... In Duparc's 'Au pays ou se fait la guerre' ... more emotional engagement from Magdalena Kožená ... tonally beautiful though her singing is".

International record review

2010 January



Colin Anderson

2010 January

"I have returned to this disc on numerous occasions at different time of day (and night!) and have been increasingly rewarded and moved. The biggest compliment I can pay is that these performers remind us how great this music is".

The gramophone

2009 December



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2009 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Nézet-Séguin proves to be a remarkable interpreter of Ravel ... This is a sultry, insinuating Daphnis, stronger on seduction than translucency, steeped in a sense of theatre".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 6 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 6 (2004)

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 4 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 4 (2008)

"Ravel & Stravinskij - det er lige Maazel: beherskede følelser, elegance og klang. Det kan han, og det kan New York Philharmonic ... Det er så virtuost, at man snapper efter vejret, det er så klangligt rafineret, at man forbløffes og bare læner sig tilbage og nyder al denne vellyd".

The gramophone

2018 November



Tim Ashley

2018 November

"Editor's choice: The prevailing mood of the first two thirds of the disc is one of heady sensuality, rooted in careful appraisal of sonority and texture and in a fondness for, and an ability to sustain, slower than usual speeds ... Kožená, in glorious voice throughout, lets Duparc's vocal lines do the work rather than edging towards declamation. It's all utterly beguiling ... A gorgeous disc: do listen to it".