
Anima dolorosa : Il quarto libro de madrigali

Anmeldelser (4)

Fono Forum

2022 August



Reinmar Emans

2022 August

"Schon der Umstand, dass Herreweghe neben seinen secht vorzüglichen Sängern Laute und Chitarrone als Continuo mitgehen lässt, deutet darauf hin, dass er vor allem den Neuerer Monteverdi zeigen will. Stilistisch stehen die Stücke aus dessen viertem 1603 erschienenen Madrigalbuch zwischen Prima und Seconda Prattica. Hier werden vor allem die Errungenschaften der Letzteren hervorgehoben. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes wird so die leidende Seele musikalisch verkörpert. Die Belgier scheuen sich nicht vor extremer Affektdarstellung".


2022 juin



Frédéric Degroote

2022 juin

BBC music magazine

2022 August



Michael Church

2022 August

"Tightly-wrought music of this kind is demanding to sing, and ... Philippe Herreweghe's seven-voice group are too careful - or insufficiently unbuttoned - to satifyingly render the joyful exsultation of 'Io mi son giovinetta', though their bass-heavy rendering of the dark numbers has surging force. With 'Si ch'io vorrei morire' - 'Yes, I would die' - they find a way to suggest the mounting excitement, and climbing melodic line, of a song which is all about physical coupling. And with 'Ohime, se tanto amate', they nicely communicate the rushes of emotion in the alternating despair and hope of the constant lover".

The gramophone

2022 July



Alexandra Coghlan

2022 July

"This is Herreweghe's second Monteverdi recording on the PHI label ... Collegium Vocale Gent's signature pristine tone and pinprick precision ... seem less obviously suited to the up-close musical grind, gasp and sweat of these secular works ... It's very beautiful indeed ... but the group's silvery tone comes close to pallor at times ... Herreweghe gives the singers plenty of rhythmic fredom and space, but in terms of colour and articulation it all still feels a little business-as-usual, especially from the men".