Musik / andre soloinstrumenter

Bach & Ysaÿe 3

Anmeldelser (7)

The observer

d. 3. dec. 2017



Fiona Maddocks

d. 3. dec. 2017

"The German violinist Antje Weithaas, an independent-minded player with a career as soloist, chamber musician and conductor/director, has released her third volume of Bach and Ysaÿe. It's a treat ... The ever probing Weithaas adroitly combines poetry, technical wizardry and humanity".


d. 4. feb. 2017



Guido Fischer

d. 4. feb. 2017

"Allein schon in der akustischen Fassung zeigt Barenboim seine unglaubliche Meisterschaft im Höchstschwierigen. Im komplexen elektro-akustischen Mit- und Gegeneinander in 'Anthèmes II" verschwindet aber nun das technisch eigentlich Unspielbare zugunsten einer regelrecht musiktheatralischen Mehrdimensionalität, bei der Mensch und Maschine ständig ihre Identitäten zu tauschen scheinen".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. apr. 2017



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 19. apr. 2017

"Michael Barenboim har fået gang i en solokarriere som en efterspurgt violinist og har netop udgivet en cd, hvor han ene mand spiller værker af Pierre Boulez, Béla Bartók og Johann Sebastian Bach. Det er en særdeles fyldig og spændende skive".

BBC music magazine

2017 June



Martin Cotton

2017 June

"Apart from the extensive range of technique that Michael Barenboim effortlessly realises, the confidence and maturity of the musical language [in the Boulez] is stunning, and often harmonically and texturally beautiful".

Fono Forum

2017 April



Carlos Maria Solare

2017 April

"Zwar sind diese nicht die traditionellen "drei grosse B" der Musikgeschichte, aber die von Michael Barenboim für seine Debüt-CD gewählte Zusammenstellung ergibt ein äusserst stimmiges Ganzes ... Barenboim absolviert sie allesamt bravourös".

The gramophone

2018 January



Charlotte Gardner

2018 January

"Most notably Weithaas has taken all her ornamentations and bowings from Bach's score. Equally key to her sound, though, is that she's playing on a modern set-up ... If you ever needed proof that 18th-century Cremona is not a prerequisite for tonal riches, individuality and power, then Weithaas's Greiner [2001] does that job very nicely ... I suspect Weithaas won't remain the only violinist to put these two cycles together. However, I also suspect that, regardless of who nex takes the plunge, hers will yet stand tall alongside it".

The gramophone

2017 March



Charlotte Gardner

2017 March

"Barenboim makes it all sound easy, though, with performances spilling over with life and drama. Every work's soul has been ignited and revealed, every second telling a story, all unmarred by a single glitch in intonation or articulation ... Decide for yourself whether the acoustic is overpowering or invigorating; this is indisputably exciting playing across an indisputably effective programme".