Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Black is the colour

Anmeldelser (5)

The guardian

d. 1. feb. 2018



Erica Jeal

d. 1. feb. 2018

"Classical album of the week: Stéphany's mezzo-soprano radiates warmth and substance, and Labyrinth bring lean and focused energy to a programme that begins with Luciano Berio's Folk Songs ... [She] makes mesmerising work of the lamenting numbers in various dialects ... She is even more assured in Ravel's Histoires Naturelles, which come up vividly in a new chamber arrangement".

Presto classical

d. 31. jan. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. jan. 2018

"Editor's choices - January 2018: The Anglo-French mezzo's debut solo recording is a seriously class act, showcasing a richly coloured, beautifully even voice and bags of character - especially in Berio's madcap folk-songs, where she has a whale of a time as a Sicilian fishwife!".


2018, nr. 50



Mikael Garnæs

2018, nr. 50

"Det er et interessant anderledes program, den engelsk-franske mezzosopran Anna Stéphany byder på i sin recital med det ti mand store Labyrinth Ensemble ... hvad enten det er turen ned i stemmens rå dybder i en siciliansk bondevise eller den komplet uforståelige azerbadjanske kærlighedssang. Anne Stéphany rammer en god balance mellem de kontrasterende syngemåder, det teatralske og det lyriske. Fint assisteret af et medlevende kammerensemble".

BBC music magazine

2018 May



Christopher Dingle

2018 May

"The performances exquisitely capture the shifting nuances and moods of a programme with a French bias, yet decidedly international in spirit ... There is no doubt here that Stéphany's is a highly trained voice, but not obtrusively so ... The Labyrinth Ensemble proves an ideal partner throughout with its wide range of timbres and natural pacing, the interlude of Ravel Introduction et Allegro being among the finest on disc".


Årg. 75, nr. 7 (2000/2001)


Årg. 75, nr. 7 (2000/2001)