Musik / rock

Brotherhood of the snake

Anmeldelser (3)





Thom Jurek


"Brotherhood of the Snake is not only on par with Testament's best records during the millennium thus far, but ever. In the thrash arena, only Death Angel's excellent The Evil Divide can compete for an album of the year title".


d. 30. okt. 2016



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 30. okt. 2016

"'Brotherhood of the Snake' rammer ikke helt klassikerstatus. Der mangler lidt mere afveksling i musikken og den der ene sang, der ikke vil være til at komme uden om, når Testaments historie en gang skal skrives. Men der er ingen tvivl om, at 'Brotherhood of the Snake' placerer sig højt på årets liste over thrash-udgivelser og sikkert også vil være at finde på mange top 10-lister ved årets udgang".

Angry metal guy

d. 26. okt. 2016



Steel Druhm

d. 26. okt. 2016

"I suspected Testament would keep the 80s thrash resurgence going and they did not disappoint. This is one of the most technically adroit thrash albums you'll hear, yet that technicality doesn't come at the expense of heaviness or speed. These old dogs have learned new tricks, opened the kennel gates and fled into the night with testicles intact. Thanks for putting a twinkle in all these old school wrinkles".

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