Musik / kor


Anmeldelser (9)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"In any case, Vladimir Ashkenazy has chosen a different route and assembled a very smart program ... On the whole, these are excellent performances. Bass-baritone Shenyang is a very impressive soloist, comfortable with the language, and he delivers the text of Stepan Razin with a firm tone and total conviction. The choir sings with clarity and bite, and the orchestra plays powerfully ... A valuable addition to the Shostakovich discography".


d. 27. maj 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 27. maj 2015

"Det er en dramatisk oplevelse at tage hul på de tre kantater af Sjostakovitj, som Paavo Järvi har med på denne nyudgivelse. De to skrevet for at please Stalins regime, mens den tredje ... indeholder en slet skjult fædrelandskritik. Der er alt på spil for Sjostakovitj, og det mærker man uafbrudt i Järvis omgang med materialet. Er Sjostakovitj lidt tung at danse med, er Järvi til gengæld dejlig følsom i sin fortolkning".

Fono Forum

2014 Januar



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2014 Januar

"Es ist 'russischer' Schostakowitsch - düster, blockhaft ... Alle beteiligten transportieren den düsteren Inhalt mit geradezu krimineller Energie und zusammengebissenen Zähnen ... Vladimir Ashkenazy holt - bei durchweg raschen Tempi - ein Höchstmass an Aggression und Agilität aus Chor und Orchester, so dass die Partitur unter den Händen und Kehlen dieser Musiker die Qualität eines Hauptwerks entwickelt".

BBC music magazine

2015 August



David Nice

2015 August

"Bass Alexei Tanovitski could be more nuanced, but there's no faulting the Estonians' open, searing sounds ... Bright, open children's voices join authentic choral fervour and the engineering gives a superb, widescreen picture".


2015 juillet-août



Patrick Szersnovicz

2015 juillet-août

Berlingske tidende

d. 8. dec. 1999


d. 8. dec. 1999

The gramophone

2013 December



David Fanning

2013 December

"For anyone who grew up , as I did, with the raw energy of Kondrashin on Melodiya in 1965, the sheer refinement and shapeliness of Ashkenazy's recording may take some getting used to. In this case, however, the gains easily outweigh any losses - the music simply feels more musical this way".

International record review

2013 December



Mark Pullinger

2013 December

"There is plenty of lusty orchestral playing for Ashkenazy ... The Latvian State Choir produces an almost Orthodox choral sound ... The current recording is certainly worth acquiring, especially as it is partnered by some tempting rarities ... Despite the unbalanced programme, this is an intriguing disc".

The gramophone

2015 July



David Fanning

2015 July

"[There isn't] much that performers can do, beyond giving them a maximum of welly. Which is precisely what Paavo Järvi and his Estonian forces do ... There are certainly no forces I would rather listen to in this repertoire than the ones assembled for this acoustically resplendent disc".