Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Under Stalin's shadow : Symphonies nos. 5, 8, 9

Anmeldelser (15)

Presto classical




"Vurdering: Presto disc of the week".

"Nelsons removes any crudeness to make them smoother and more rounded. It's fascinating to hear how this changes the mood from the usual one of open terror to something more quietly unsettling".

MusicWeb international

2016 June



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2016 June

"A first-choice Fifth, a top-echelon Eighth and a treat of a suite; roll on the Seventh".

MusicWeb international

2015 May



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2015 May

"Gergiev captures the sad, equivocal mood of that opening movement, and Kavakos ... spins a light, singing line that can't fail to impress ... A perplexing symphony and an exhilarating concerto; Gergiev's as unpredictable as ever".

Berlingske tidende

d. 8. dec. 2016



Søren Schauser

d. 8. dec. 2016

"At amerikanere meget ofte er de bedste til russisk musik, har været kendt længe - de fatter ligesom både storheden og det militante i tonen. Boston Symphony Orchestra spiller [symfoni] nummer 5, 8 og 9 under ledelse af Andris Nelsons med stort engagement og forbløffende fuld af interessante detaljer [Årets 10 bedste klassiske udgivelser: Nr. 10]".

BBC music magazine

2007 December



Erik Levi

2007 December

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "If the forst movement of the Ninth seems playful rather than sarcastic, Wigglesworth's fine ear for orchestral sonority always brings out unusual elements in the scoring. His insights make this performance and that of the 12th well worth hearing, and an extremely viable alternative to the complete cycles that are delivered under the direction of Kitajenko, Kondrashin or Jansons".


2016, nr. 43



Per Rask Madsen

2016, nr. 43

"Deres 8. symfoni står stærkest på albummet mellem tænderskærende anspændthed af tålmodighed i de ret lange stræk hen imod højdepunkterne".

Fono Forum

2016 August



Ole Pflüger

2016 August

"Andris Nelsons und die Bostoner Sinfoniker stellen die ersten CDs ihres Schostakowitsch-Zyklus unter das Motto 'In Stalins Schatten' - und tun dan alles, um dieses Motto zu widerlegen. Selten hat Schostakowitsch so melodisch und friedvoll geklungen. Sanft Streicheln die Geigen der gebeutelten Russen Seele. Die hervorragenden Bläsersolisten tragen zum überragenden Klang dieser Aufnahme bei. Schostakowitsch wird hier als souveräner Künstler vorgestellt, der sich von den Launen der Diktatur und von Schicksalsschlägen nicht weiter verbiegen liess als unbedingt nötig".


2015 septembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2015 septembre

BBC music magazine

2015 August



Erik Levi

2015 August

"Leonidas Kavakos and Valery Gergiev establish a partnership from the outset. This is a truly symphonic performance in which the Mariinsky Orchestra plays as active and vibrant a role in the musical dialogue as the soloist ... Kavakos mesmerises the listener with the subtle poetry of his phrasing".

The gramophone

2007 December



Andrew Achenbach

2007 December

"The fine Dutch orchestra might not have the distinctive timbre or weight of sonority of bigger names but its scrupulous preparation is immediately apparent".

International record review

2007 December



Richard Whitehouse

2007 December

"Those who find Evgeny Mravinsky too heroic and Bernard Haitink too liberal will find Wigglesworth the ideal compsomise. He is aided by BIS's state-of-the-art sound".


2016 juillet-août



Rémy Louis

2016 juillet-août

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

BBC music magazine

2016 August



David Nice

2016 August

"Not everything on these two discs may be on quite the same level of unremitting intensity and insight as Andris Nelsons's first Shostakovich on CD ... But this Eighth goes even further ... The sheer expressive beauty of the string playing, the constant surprises ... represent a tonal sophistication ... Plenty of character, too, in extracts from the first set of Hamlet incidental music ... But hear the Eighth at any cost".

The gramophone

2016 August



Edward Seckerson

2016 August

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Nelsons is spry and precisioned and his insistence on super-keen rhythm pays off big-time ... The Fifth Symphony is quite marvellous ... and like the Tenth should dominate the catalogue for a long time to come ... To say that it brings the house down is something of an understatement".

The gramophone

2015 July



Edward Seckerson

2015 July

"Gergiev makes much of the Haydnesque deftness of the outer movements [of the Ninth] ... Better yet, and more shocking, is the arrival of the Red Army Band in the coda of the finale, transforming the polka into a goose-stepping march. Gergiev gives that a weighty and sinister pomp. Shostakovich's scepticism could hardly be writ larger ... Kavakos plays it with controlled intensity".