Musik / kor

Carmina burana

Anmeldelser (27)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"Richard Hickox already has recorded Carmina Burana with the LSO forces (last available on Regis). That was a version of no special distinction, and neither is this one. The chorus is okay, the orchestra is okay, and the live sonics are a bit cavernous".

The observer

d. 14. dec. 2014



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 14. dec. 2014

"One of the most popular and at the same time one of the most reviled choral works of all time comes up startlingly fresh in Jos van Immerseel's totally rethought approach ... The results are razor-sharp, emphasising the Stravinsky-like crystalline edginess of the textures, and the brilliant if brutal imagination behind them".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"You want to like this performance: it's bold, and it's gutsy at the start of O Fortuna; but in that same opening song the problems begin. The most serious of these concern the balances, which favor the chorus to the point where it sounds distinctly in front of the orchestra ... In short, even at the Naxos price this is no bargain, particularly with such strong competition (also at mid or budget price) from the likes of Jochum (DG), Ozawa (RCA), and Muti (EMI)".

The telegraph

d. 13. aug. 2010



Geoffrey Norris

d. 13. aug. 2010

"Love it or hate it, Carl Orff's Carmina Burana does benefit when its bombast is balanced by careful orchestral and vocal shading and pacing. Those are qualities that distinguish Daniel Harding's interpretation with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, the Tölzer Boys' Choir, and a fine line-up of soloists ... Harding detects far more subtlety and variety in the score than might sometimes be in evidence".

DR musik

2010 uge 43



Malene Wichmann

2010 uge 43

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Maksimal energi og rytmisk drive, det er der netop i den nye live-udgave med Symphoniorchester des Bayrischen Rundfunks ... Daniel Harding spiller på alle de strenge, der får værket til at rive os så effektivt med både i koncertsalen og ved højtalerne".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. sep. 2010



Jakob Holm

d. 8. sep. 2010

"Resultatet er nu glimrende, hvis man holder af bombastiske tonebyggerier, og det skyldes også solisterne ... Den vigtigste vokale kraft i "Carmina Burana" er dog nu engang koret, og de synger ... med en større balance, distinkt udtrykskraft og variation, end man er vant til at høre. Tempoet er også mere velovervejet end vanlige udgaver, da Harding i sin "Carmina" dvæler mere ved de enkelte passager. Dramatiske kontraster skorter denne fortolkning således ikke på".

BBC music magazine

2007 November



Terry Blain

2007 November

"Another Carmina? Yes, and totally justified as it happens. In large choral works like this one few conductors better Richard Hickox ... overall this is a richly enjoyable performance of a much-recorded masterpiece".

Fono Forum

2012 Dezember



Giselher Schubert

2012 Dezember

"Kristjan Järvi ... setzt eher auf dynamische Differenzierung und rhythmische Schärfung, welche die Musik reicher wirken lassen, als man gewohnt war. Darüber gehen freilich die klangliche Konturierung und die Sonorität des machtvollen Tönens keinesfalls verloren. Die Gesangssolisten fügen gewissermassen die Stimmen des Individuums dem kollektiven Chorgesang hinzu ... Sich diese Einspielung vor allem als kollektive Leistung aller Beteiligten nachdrücklich empfiehlt".

BBC music magazine

2015 February



Terry Blain

2015 February

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "Immerseel plus Anima Eterna spells revisionism, and that is what you get here: a Carmina Burana retooled with instruments of its period, and stripped of back-projected late-Romantic cushiness ... The scaled-down vocal forces also bring the work's monastic origins into sharper focus ... The choral singing throughout combines precision with exuberance. For its palate-tingling revelations and suffusing musicality, this would now be my Carmina of first reference".

The gramophone classical music guide




"Vurdering: Gramophone diamond (Simply the best)" - "Since its original release, Jochum's performance has consistently been a prime recommendation for this much-recorded piece. Listening to it again in the superbly remastered sound, one can easily hear why. He pays great attention to detail ... yet the performance as a whole has a tremendous cogent sweep and the choruses have terrific power ... This distinguished performance, authorised by the composer and here sounding better than ever, retains its place at the head of the queue".

The Penguin stereo record guide




"The DGG production under Jochum is highly distinguished, and some might well acquire it for Fischer-Dieskau's contribution. His singing is refined, but not too much so ... The soprano, Gundula Janowitz, finds a quiet dignity for her contribution and this is finely done ... The closing scene is moulded by Jochum with a wonderful control, almost Klemperian in its restrained power".

BBC music magazine

2007 May



Terry Blain

2007 May

"Rough edges notwithstanding, this is a lusty and in many ways extremely appealing version of Orff's popular classic ... occupies a prominent and convicing niche at the budget end of the market".

The gramophone classical music guide




"An invigorating revisiting of an ever-popular score: Rattle has stripped it down and rebuilt in a way that will either entrance or annoy. Thrillingly alive and superbly recorded".

BBC music magazine

2010 November



Terry Blain

2010 November

"The choir is excellent througout ... Harding secures fine orchestral playing too ... Overall this is a Carmina for those convinced the work is irredeemably vulgar: Harding finds a wider range of colour and refinement than almost any other conductor".

High fidelity

2002 4


2002 4


d. 6. aug. 2000


d. 6. aug. 2000

The gramophone

2008 November



Guy Rickards

2008 November

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "Hickox leads a vribrant performance that has a real sense of occasion".

The gramophone

2012 December



Geoffrey Norris

2012 December

"This performance gives it a more interesting dimension in the sense that it finds some enchanting, soft-coloured sonorities that are sometimes neglected in favour of generalised robustness and lustiness ... Kristjan Järvi coaxing the MDR orchestra and choir into an approach that is quietly beguiling and warmly languid ... Right from the word go, in the 'O Fortuna' of the opening, you realise that Järvi is taking Carmina Burana seriously from the point of view of orchestral colour, variety of impact and dramatic scope".

International record review

2013 January



Ian Julier

2013 January

"Kristjan Järvi and his team deliver some if not all of the goods. The choir is confidently on the button, singing energetically throughout with crisp articulation and snappy diction ... With serviceable rather than distinctive or characterful soloists, other reservations begin to stack up".

International record review

2015 February



Mark Pullinger

2015 February

"Hold on. Period instruments? In a work written in 1935 ... Anima Eterna performs with a string section of just 28 instruments, playing on gut strings, so - in theory ... Difficult to detect too much of a difference from familiar recordings ... The soloists are perfectly acceptable ... Altogether, this is an enjoyable account of Carmina Burana".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)


d. 22. juni 1999


d. 22. juni 1999


d. 14. nov. 1999


d. 14. nov. 1999

Operabladet Ascolta

(2005) 23. årgang nr. 7


(2005) 23. årgang nr. 7

Informationer og udgaver