
Concerti grossi

Anmeldelser (11)

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"Von der Goltz certainly does not pull a Thomas Beecham-Messiah and bloat the proceedings: if anything, the additions may just be too discreet. If you're going to do it, go for a big, or at least controversial, effect. Here we have our usual set of concerti grossi that are a bit shinier thanks to the trumpets and oboes, and a bit darker due to the three double basses and two cellos ... Von der Goltz is very polite and correct in his un-eccentric tempos, and the playing throughout is superb".

MusicWeb international

2014 January



Dominy Clements

2014 January

"These are elements of real character which keep everything alive and filled with novelty, without becoming wearingly mannered. All in all this is the kind of release which can solve all your Corelli Op. 6 problems in one go, and I for one don't feel the need to seek much further to have the best from this music".

Presto classical

d. 31. dec. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. dec. 2018

"Editors choices - December 2018: Great fun, this: inspired by evidence that Corelli himself was partial to upscaling his concerti grossi (originally scored for strings-only) when resources and circumstances permitted, Gottfried von der Goltz introduces trombones, bassoons, oboes, harp, and (most thrillingly, as in the finale of the first concerto) trumpets into the mix. It could sound over-weighted and anachronistic, but von der Goltz is too assured a baroque stylist for that - everything dances, and there's never the slightest sense of gilding the lily".

Fono Forum

2013 Januar



Matthias Hengelbrock

2013 Januar

"Dank des tiefen Kammertons (einen Ganzton unter dem heutigen) und sonorer Aufnahmetechnik klingen die Concerti grossi nun angenehm füllig und warm. Die Artikulation ist sehr kantabel ... Beznosiuk ist ein grosser Fortschritt auf dem Terrain englischer Corelli-Interpretationen gelungen".

BBC music magazine

2013 April



Kate Bolton

2013 April

"The Avison Ensemble eschews the flashy bravura of some of its competitors in favour of a subtle graciousness that seems to capture essence of Corelli's polished style. They point up the fleet dance rhythms with lightweight bowing and clean articulation ... And with 5.1 surround sound you can wallow in true Baroque splendour".

Fono Forum

2019 Februar



Matthias Hengelbrock

2019 Februar

"Obwohl diese Concerti grossi als reine Streicherkonzerte publiziert wurden, wissen wir aus verchiedenen Quellen, dass bei Corellis eigenen Aufführungen auch Holz- und Blechbläser zum Einsatz kamen. So lässt Gottfried von der Goltz Oboen, Trompeten, Posaunen und ein Fagott mitspielen ... Das Ergebnis kann durchweg überzeugen, da die Instrumentierung umsichtig und geschmackvoll vorgenommen wurde".

The gramophone

2013 April



Julie Anne Sadie

2013 April

"Beznosiuk plays with enormous affinity and charm, his fluent and imaginative ornamentation always within the bounds of the pulse and good taste. Having chosen not to ornament the repeats slavishly, he retains the power to surprise and delight us even to the last sonata ... This is an immensely enjoyable release".

International record review

2013 February



Marc Rochester

2013 February

"From the first bars of the First Concerto in D, the Avison Ensemble sets its unique seal ong the performance ... a very impressive pair of discs".

The gramophone

2014 February



David Vickers

2014 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Entirely devoid of contrived preciousness or formulaic complacency, this is simply magnificent".

International record review

2014 February



Carl Rosman

2014 February

"What impresses here is not so much the sheer virtuosity of the performances - although they are certainly not lacking in that - as the elegant assuredness of the interpretations ... An extremely succesful set of performances".


2013 octobre



Gaëtan Naulleau

2013 octobre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

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