BBC music magazine2013 JuneafafGeorge Hall (musikanmelder)2013 June"Rossini's first opera already shows his abilities and stylistic traits, but Livermore's Pesaro staging unhelpfully adds in 'ghosts' representing the original cast members, obscuring the plot".
International record review2013 FebruaryafafJohn T. Hughes2013 February"Whatever she [Moreno] sings here makes listening rewarding ... Yijie Shi is another tenor who has the facility to twist and turn his voice through the divisions in his role".
Fono Forum2013 AprilafafManuel Brug2013 April"Man merkt die Etatverknappung auch an ungewohnt kargen Bühnenbildern. Was kein Schaden ist ... Einer ungefähren Antike als schematische Verwechslungsgeschichte ... wird zum wirkungsvollen "Phantom der Oper"-Spuk mit Spiegelungen und Feuerspielen".