Musik / opera

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg

Anmeldelser (24)

MusicWeb international

2020 October



Michael Cookson

2020 October

"This is a well-chosen cast and of the six principal roles I am familiar first-hand with the on-stage work of Georg Zeppenfeld, Klaus Florian Vogt, Vitalij Kowaljow, Adrian Eröd and Christa Mayer ... Christian Thielemann conducts the Staatskapelle Dresden assuredly, pulling his forces together with a keen feeling for dramatic balance. Ever alert to changing staging situations ... I find Thielemann's pacing persuasive and there is plenty of impetus when required, whilst he is careful to not drown out the singers ... In impressive form, too, are the combined forces of the Staatsopernchor Dresden and Bachchor Salzburg, unreservedly compelling and discernibly well-unified ... This competes with a number of established recordings I know from the 1950s-70s by justifiably famous Wagnerians - Herbert von Karajan, Rudolf Kempe, Rafael Kubelik and Eugen Jochum. Having already played it a number of times (despite its length), I rate it extremely highly; nevertheless, it ranks alongside rather than surpasses those treasured recordings that I have listed".


d. 27. sep. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 27. sep. 2008

"Mestersangerne i Nürnberg i en overbevisende helhedstolkning ... Ikke de store overraskelser, heller ikke virtuos prægnans, men alt virkede klogt, smukt og rigtigt ... Det skyldes dog ikke mindst Haitink, at denne Mestersangerne er en lise at lytte til".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 18. jan. 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 18. jan. 2012

"Lad det være sagt straks: Orkesterspillet er mageløst i ordets bogstavelige betydning - en så smukt spillet Mestersanger-musik har jeg aldrig tidligere hørt. Og det skader just ikke sagen, at lydkvaliteten på disse fire super-audio-cd'er er hudnært fremragende. Man sidder gang på gang og gisper af fryd ... Til en opera hører der nu engang også sangere, og her er niveauet ikke helt så prangende".


d. 24. feb. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 24. feb. 2009

Fono Forum

2020 November



Gerhard Persché

2020 November

"Freilich muss man sich in Thielemanns Klangpuzzle einhören, denn die Freude am kreativen Augenblick scheint den grossen Bogen gelegentlich zu überstimmen ... Die Sängerriege ist exzellent. Georg Zeppenfeld brilliert als souveräner Sachs von höchster vokaler und interpretatorischer Qualität, Klaus Florian Vogt hat sich den Stolzing nunmehr als Typ so völlig zu eigen gemacht wie den Lohengrin, Adrian Eröd gibt wie schon in Bayreuth einen klug differenzierenden Beckmesser".

BBC music magazine

2008 Proms



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2008 Proms

"Although there are some flaws, this emerges in my opinion as the best recording of the work for the last 40 years".


2012 avril



Emmanuel Dupuy

2012 avril

"Vous obtenez Les Maîtres les plus réjouissants que l'on ait entendus au disque depuis Solti II (Decca, 1995). Ce n'est pas rien!".

BBC music magazine

2012 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2012 February

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "An unrivalled performance of Meistersinger ... It is phenomenal achievement of Marek Janowski to have welded his immense forces into such a virtually flawless unity, and to imbue it with incessant vitality and energy ... I can't recall a performance that seemed to fly by so quickly, without ever sounding rushed".

Berlingske tidende

d. 27. okt. 1999


d. 27. okt. 1999


d. 28. sep. 1999


d. 28. sep. 1999

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 19. årgang nr. 3


(2000) 19. årgang nr. 3

Berlingske tidende

d. 6. sep. 2000


d. 6. sep. 2000


d. 28. aug. 2000


d. 28. aug. 2000

The gramophone

2008 August



Mike Ashman

2008 August

"The more recent performance is somthing of a coronation for Bernard Haitink's embattled but admired music directorship of the old Covent Garden. The performance, his happiest Wagner outing to date on disc, shows him to be a listening accompanist and precise balancer of orchestral textures".

International record review

2012 February



Hugh Canning

2012 February

"If Janowski's Holländer proved a performance of mixed vocal blessings, his Meistersinger is an altogether more accomplished achievement ... with Albert Dohmen and Robert Dean Smith ... Die Meistersinger is essentially an ensemble piece, and Janowski never lets you forget this with the transparent textures he draws from his outstanding Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin ... A set that keen Wagnerians will want to hear, even if it does not displace the classic Kempe and Karajan sets from their pedestals".

The gramophone

2012 March



Mike Ashman

2012 March

"This second step in the 72-year old Polish maestro's bicentennial Berlin concert cycle of mature Wagner is a swift, light, comic reading of the score ... On this particular June evening Albert Dohmen sounded at home across the whole spectrum of Sachs's poetry, wistfulness and wit ... Janowski's achievement is to have recreated a genuine comic feel for the piece".

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