Musik / rock

Digital garbage

Anmeldelser (4)





Mark Deming


" Digital Garbage isn't quite Mudhoney's Great Protest Album, but as a reaction to a chaotic and divisive time, it's powerfully eloquent in its own grimy way, and it shows they can still sound like nothing but themselves without being tethered to the past. Come for the rage on Digital Garbage and stay for the rock. Both feel intense and purifying".


d. 1. okt. 2018



Stuart Berman

d. 1. okt. 2018

"While they're never lacking in agitation and spite, the Seattle scuzz-punk pioneers tend to direct their ire at more, fish-in-a-barrel targets: posers, douchebags, themselves. But you know things in the world are really getting bad whenever Mudhoney remove tongue from cheek to deliver a grave diagnosis of a festering societal condition, be it the rise of evangelical extremism or neocon war pigs. And, in the never-ending shit show that is 2018, that latent impulse has been rudely re-awakened: Mudhoney's latest album, Digital Garbage, feels less like a collection of songs than a news-saturated social-media feed filled with all the profane polemics of a 2 a.m. drunk-Tweet".

Rolling stone

d. 4. okt. 2018



Kory Grow

d. 4. okt. 2018

"Not much changes in Mudhoney's world, and that's a good thing. Three decades after they helped kick-start grunge with their lumbering, gritty guitar riffs and frontman Mark Arm's sardonic snarls, they simply sound like a better, defter, maybe even snottier version of their younger selves on their 10th album".


d. 29. sep. 2018



Vish Khanna

d. 29. sep. 2018

"While it's an era ripe for protest music, few American bands of Mudhoney's stature have stepped up to take on this anxiety-inducing and partisan landscape. For his part, singer and primary lyricist Mark Arm is not here for any of this horseshit ... Someone has to say this these bleak and brutal things and we're lucky Mudhoney has stepped up. Digital Garbage is as blunt as it is thoughtful and the songs here truly rip at a time when some seem keen to let civility and common sense rest in peace".