Musik / solosang

Edvard Grieg

Anmeldelser (9)

RBB Kultur

d. 12. jan. 2022



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 12. jan. 2022

"Die Sopranistin Lise Davidsen singt auf ihrem dritten Solo-Album bekannte Lieder ihres norwegischen Landsmannes Edvard Grieg. Begleitet wird sie von Pianist Leif Ove Andsnes. Unter Wagner-Sängern gilt Davidsen als überragend wichtige Grösse ... Eine grosse Stimme. Die Frage wäre, ob sie auch als Liedersängerin, wo sie die Stimme "kleiner" machen muss, diesem guten Ruf gerecht wird?".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2022 January

"Recommended: Norwegian dramatic soprano Lise Davidsen has become one of the hottest new names on the vocal firmament ... It was only a matter of time before she would devote a disc to her great compatriot Edvard Grieg and his marvellous songs ... and when she chose to collaborate with the masterly pianist Leif Ove Andsnes, things looked very promising ... What followed was 80 minutes of the most glorious singing of Grieg I had heard in a long time ... Lise Davidsen's reading is deeply sensitive and compassioned and the disc is well worth purchasing for Haugtussa alone".

Presto classical

d. 7. jan. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 7. jan. 2022

"Recording of the week: This is one of those albums where the synergy between the two artists and their mutual affinity with the repertoire combine to truly spellbinding effect. Davidsen may be destined for Isolde and Brünnhilde, but she's also capable of extraordinary delicacy when painting on a smaller canvas - and Andsnes backs her to the hilt throughout, revelling in the passages where she unleashes the full firepower but never obscuring the vocal line in the many magical moments where she tapers the sound to a fine silvery thread".

BBC music magazine

2022 February



David Nice

2022 February

"Choral & song choice: This is the outstanding Lise Davidsen recording many of us who've experienced the phenomenon live have been waiting for, and the partnership with Norway's other best-known national treasure Leif Ove Andsnes, doubles the pleasure ... Grieg's songs are in the bloodstream; the full range up to that glorious and still-focused upper register is complemented here by word colouring and vivid dramatisation ... And I'm grateful to hear Grieg songs I didn't know".

Fono Forum

2022 April



Christoph Vratz

2022 April

"Norwegisches Gipfeltreffen: Sopranistin Lise Davidsen und Pianist Leif Ove Andsnes präsentieren ... Lieder ihres Landsmannes Edvard Grieg ... Beide gehen im besten Sinne unbekümmert an die Sache heran. Davidsen verfügt über eine kraftvolle, offensiv-dramatisch-ausdauernde Stimme, die sie hier bändigen und dem Format Lied anpassen muss. Das gelingt ihr über weite Strecken ... Sie zeigt, dass sie zum Feinen fähig ist ... Leif Ove Andsnes kommt nun ins Spiel, der gerade in den sparsam-kargen Passagen auf ein Maximum an Intensität setzt. So entsteht eine gelungene Mixtur aus Emotion und Farbe, Intellekt und Erfahrung".


2022, nr. 65



Charlotte Nørby

2022, nr. 65

"Hvad kan gå galt, når man sætter Norges to internationale klassiske stjerner sammen for at lave norsk hjerteblod: Sange af Edvard Grieg? Absolut intet. Lise Davidsen kan ikke gøre noget galt i disse år. Alt, hvad hun rører ved, bliver fantastisk ... Her på albummet viser hun, at hun også kan skrue ned for den store operastemme. Hun synger Griegs sange med den inderlighed og kammermusikalske glød, som de fortjener, og samtidigt skruer hun selvfølgelig op, når det kræves, og vi får hendes stemmes fulde skønhed at høre. Ved klaveret sidder Leif Ove Andsnes som lydhør akkompagnatør. Han responderer fint på farverne i Lise Davidsens stemme og Griegs små finurligheder".

The gramophone

2014 Awards



Richard Fairman

2014 Awards

"Kielland brings to [Haugtussa] a gleaming voice, lit with cool sunlight from the north, and a native Norwegian's way with the words. There is a simplicity and directness about this performance, mirrored in Nils Anders Mortensen's accompaniments, that brings a deep-seated kind of satisfaction".

International record review

2014 November



Robert Matthew-Walker

2014 November

"The greatly gifted Marianne Beate Kielland is to be applauded for this new recording ... Her voice voice is a very beautiful one, carefully and finely modulated throughout its range, and her inherent musical intelligence has produced a set of performances which will give much pleasure to many listeners".

The gramophone

2022 January



Hugo Shirley

2022 January

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: This album is something of an A&R executive's dream: two Norwegian superstars ... brought together to record music by the country's most popular composer. It's a mouth-watering prospect on paper, and I'm happy to report that it doesn't disappoint ... Freshness is one of the characteristics that shines most compellingly throughout this generous 80-minutes selection. There's the freshness of Davidsen's voice ... which has a rare rich beauty ... In purely vocal terms, it's a stunning display of range and technical control ... Andsnes's role cannot be overestimated, either. His playing is supremely refined and sensitive ... This new album, capturing a different approach to these songs, is no less essential. An outstanding release".