Musik / klassiske symfonier


Anmeldelser (4)

Presto classical

d. 31. maj 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. maj 2018

"Editor's choices - May 2018: There's so much Hollywood-style sheen and swagger to these performances that on first hearing I assumed I was listening to the John Wilson Orchestra. The CBSO Chorus are mightily impressive in the long Daphnis et Chloéesque final movement of the exotic Évocations, as are the three soloists - particularly baritone François Le Roux, who brings off some unexpected opera buffa-style patter with élan".

BBC music magazine

2018 July



Christopher Dingle

2018 July

"This is a wonderful treat ... Tortelier draws a detailed, yet marvellously atmospheric performance from the BBC Philharmonic, perfectly judging the balance between moments of luxuriance and the need to keep the pace moving. In the final movement, soloists Kathryn Rudge, Alessandro Fisher and François le Roux are utterly idiomatic, while the CBSO chorus, shimmering in the numerous wordless passages, is in especially fine voice ... An invaluable disc".

Fono Forum

2018 September



Andreas Friesenhagen

2018 September

"Aus den gut herauspräparierten gegensätzlichen Bewegungsimpulsen des Eröffnungsteils entwickelt Tortelier einen starken Sog, der auch über die versonnenen lyrischen Passagen hinwegträgt"".

The gramophone

2018 August



Tim Ashley

2018 August

"Completed in 1911, Évocations was the work that put Albert Roussel on the musical map ... Yan Pascal Tortelier's recording ... marks its first appearance on disc since 1988 ... Tortelier offers the more dramatic interpretation, finding danger as well as beauty in the score. The BBC Philharmonic's dark-sounding brass suggest dread as well as awe at the sight of the Ellora caves ... [In] the companion pieces ... the playing is exemplary in its rhythmic precision and detail, with all those tricky brass and woodwind solos finely honed and dexterously done".