Musik / klaver solo

For Clara

Anmeldelser (32)





James Leonard


"Pianist Eric le Sage's series of Schumann recordings called Klavierwerke & Kammermusik is a marvel. Not only is le Sage an ideal Schumann player, but he is an ideal Schumann programmer ... anyone even remotely interested in Schumann's music is urged to try this two-disc set".


d. 22. nov. 2013



John Christiansen

d. 22. nov. 2013

"De to komponister klæder hinanden, modsvarer hinanden og bekræfter alligevel hinanden. Også derfor er denne cd på sin måde mere værdifuld end de fleste cd'er med musik af en enkelt komponist. Personligt er jeg mest overvældet af Gislinges indlevede måde at spille de tre Nørgård-værker på. Musikkens rigdom, matematisk som sanseligt, åbner sig med overvældende naturlighed. Denne cd er denne omgangs fund".

Classics today




Jed Distler


"The stunning variety of nuance, voicing, and emphasis that Benjamin Grosvenor brings to each of Kreisleriana's eight movements keeps this familiar music sounding continuously fresh, alive, and meaningful ... Grosvenor's awesome workmanship and Schumann's restless creativity merge as one. In short, this is a reference-worthy Kreisleriana ... Grosvenor's well-deserved reputation for transcendent pianism and insightful musicianship is thoroughly borne out by this excellently engineered and not-to-be-missed release".

Klassik heute

d. 23. apr. 2023



Martin Blaumeiser

d. 23. apr. 2023

"Klassik Heute Empfehlung: Nach den aufwühlenden Kreisleriana sollten die übrigen Stücke eher lyrischen Charakter haben. Dies zelebriert Grosvenor sehr konzentriert ... Pianistisch und mit höchst kontrollierter Ausdruckskraft beweist Grosvenor erneut, dass er ungemein viel zu sagen hat und die Hörer eineinhalb Stunden musikalisch zu fesseln vermag, und dies - ungeachtet berechtigter Kritik am Detail - auf Weltklasseniveau".

Classics today

d. 15. juni 2007



Jed Distler

d. 15. juni 2007

"Here the amazing point and accuracy of Schuch's repeated notes makes other pianists sound relatively thick and earthbound. An awe-inspiring release, not to be missed".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"This intelligently devised programme consists of music by Robert Schumann and Brahms but, as the album's title suggests, Clara Schumann is a huge background presence ... Hélène Grimaud gives a fine account of Kreisleriana ... This is a most enjoyable performance of these character studies. I enjoyed Hélène Grimaud's reading of the three autumnal Intermezzi which Brahms composed just a few years before he died ... Grimaud seems entirely as one with the music ... For the set of nine Lieder und Gesänge Hélène Grimaud is joined by the German-Romanian baritone Konstantin Krimmel ... The partnership between Grimaud and Krimmel is strong and effective ... Krimmel possesses a fine voice which is well suited to those songs ... This is a thoughtfully conceived and excellently executed programme".

MusicWeb international

2013 November



John France

2013 November

"This beautiful, intimate, rendering has allowed me to see the music in a different light. It has not displaced the Horowitz but it has enlarged my understanding of this complex sequence ... The recording is ideal. Much of this music is warm, and the engineers have reflected this disposition in the chosen ambience ... The programming of Kreisleriana and Nørgård's three pieces was a happy choice".

Presto classical

d. 17. mar. 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 17. mar. 2023

"Recording of the week: Listening to Grosvenor's shape-shifting interpretation of Kreisleriana, it's easy to see why Clara found elements of the work disconcerting, though from the opening bars it's impossible to resist falling under its uncanny spell ... Grosvenor's immaculately-judged rubato (a constant throughout the programme) is an especial pleasure in Clara's set of variations, the theme subtly transformed with every appearance - it's as if the music is being illuminated from a slightly different perspective at each turn".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. mar. 2011



Jakob Holm

d. 16. mar. 2011


d. 16. nov. 2013



Jens Povlsen

d. 16. nov. 2013

"Katrine Gislinge har blikket rettet mod både fortiden og nutiden på sit nye album med Schumanns "Kreisleriana" og tre klaverstykker af Per Nørgård. Sammensætningen fejler ikke noget, men Schumanns otte ærkeromantiske, klangligt udfordrende satser leverer hun uden at overbevise ... Det er simpelthen for løst i formen, for iltfattigt og svagt optegnet".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 12. feb. 2014



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 12. feb. 2014

"En ny cd fra pianisten Katrine Gislinges hænder er nogenlunde ligeligt fordelt mellem Robert Schumann og Per Nørgaard, og den kobling er ingenlunde tosset. Først får vi Schumanns fængslende klaversuite Kreisleriana ... fornemt spillet af Gislinge, der efter eget udsagn har fundet en slags fællesskab mellem Schumanns fantasier og Nørgårds betydeligt mere asketiske musik ... Nørgårds musik bliver levende også for lyttere, som kan være lidt nervøse for ny musik. Schumann og Nørgård klæder hinanden - en indspilning, der virkelig har noget på hjerte".


d. 26. feb. 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 26. feb. 2015

"Goerner viser fingerfærdighederne i Schumanns Symfoniske etuder og i Kreisleriana ... Men han viser også et åndsslægtskab med selve kernen i musikken ... Nelson Goerner lever sig ind i musikken, men fyrer den også af".

BBC music magazine

2023 November



Michael Church

2023 November

"Piano specialists may regard the addition of a baritone voice on this album as an intrusion, but actually this performance of Brahms's Lieder und Gesänge is what makes it special ... Krimmel's light and flexible baritone is well suited to the nine songs in question, in that he brings out the subtlety of the thoughts and images ... Grimaud herself is very much on form with this album ... Under her hands all the pleasures of this portmanteau work emerge vividly".


2023, nr. 71



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2023, nr. 71

"Indholdet af musikken, som spinder omkring Robert Schumanns og Johannes Brahms kærlighed til Clara Schumann, er ... længselstoner, som rimer på hjerte og smerte. De tre værker giver et indblik i tre faser af kærligheden, som den udspillede sig omkring Clara, fra hun var purung og frem til alderdommen ... Og med et klaverspil hvor Hélène Grimaud betoner klarhed og enkelhed fremfor varme og melankoli, er det en fortolkning af den sene Brahms, hvor musikken bliver oppe i lyset i et køligt smukt skær ... Af samme grund er det snarere de drømmende skønhedssøgende rolige afsnit af 'Kreisleriana', der står stærkest frem ... I Brahms 'Lieder und Gesánge' ... udfolder Krimmel et flot register med en mørk stemme fuld af grå gnister og et passioneret nærvær".

Fono Forum

2023 Oktober



Manuel Brug

2023 Oktober

Fono Forum

2009 Mai



Gregor Willmes

2009 Mai

"Er legt eine Handwerklich mqkellose, natürlich fliessende, im Vergleich mit den grossen Deutungen ... aber zu wenig persönliche Betrachtung vor ... Prächtiger räumlicher Flügelklang".

Fono Forum

2023 Mai



Christoph Vratz

2023 Mai

"Bei seinem bislang siebten Album taucht der britische Pianist Benjamin Grosvenor tief in die deutsche Romantik ein ... Er bewegt sich extrem sicher auf diesem Gelände, sorgfältig austariert wirkt diese Klavierspiel, in Phrasierung, Tempi, Akzenten, Linienformung".

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Rebecca Franks

2023 May

"Following on from his solo Liszt album, pianist Benjamin Grosvenor continues his tour of the Romantic piano repertoire with a recital mostly dedicated to Robert and Clara Schumann. It's a sizeable programme - nearly 90 minutes ... There's a marble-statue nobility to his playing, a sense of his powerful technique being harnessed to expression, and a seriousness-of-purpose ... To end we hear three of Brahms's Intermezzos: elegiac, bittersweet lullabies of sorrow. These rich performances suggest Brahms is where Grosvenor should head next".


2023, nr. 69



Mikael Garnæs

2023, nr. 69

"Det er et meget smukt, poetisk klaverspil som den 30-årige Benjamin Grosvenor præsterer. Vi føres ind i en verden af sarte nuancer, et forfinet anslag og en medlevende og meddigtende tilgang til musikken ... Men teknisk perfekt som hans klaverspil er, er det ikke det, som står tilbage efter at have lyttet til denne cd med ærkeromantisk musik af Schumann og Brahms. Det er poesien i musikken, den følsommmer lyrik, som har ordet, og her er Grosvenor virkelig spændende at lytte til ... Flyglet bliver til ren poesi. Lyt til den!".

BBC music magazine

2015 March



Jessica Duchen

2015 March

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "To hear Nelson Goerner navigating Schumann's variety of textures with so much delicacy, good sense, beauty of tone and rapt atmospheres is a treat indeed ... The intelligence, spirit and vividness of his playing is sheer delight. Recorded sound throughout the disc is resonant, clear and warm".

The gramophone

2023 October



Patrick Rucker

2023 October

"'Hélène Grimaud's new DG release, For Clara', is a bouquet of works by the two composers closest to Clara Wieck Schumann: her husband Robert and their joint protegé, Johannes Brahms ... The German baritone Konstantin Krimmel [is] her superb collaborator in the nine songs of Brahms's Op 12 ... Together Krimmel and Grimaud create exquisitely characterised vignettes, touching on love, abandonment, devotion and disillusion, perfectly proportioned and keenly expressive ... This is musicmaking on a very high level".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 20. okt. 2003


d. 20. okt. 2003

The gramophone

2014 March



David Fanning

2014 March

"Katrine Gislinge's rendition of Kreisleriana is full of fantasy, poetry, and ebb and flow ... While her range of colour, attack and nuance, and her general articulation and transparency are all of a high order, they are hardly world-beating ... Not top-drawer Nørgård, then, and as in the Schumann, it's possible to imagine even more seductive colours in performance. But an intriguing and welcome disc nonetheless".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 3. juni 2002


d. 3. juni 2002

High fidelity

2002 7


2002 7

Berlingske tidende

d. 22. juli 2002


d. 22. juli 2002

The gramophone

2023 April



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2023 April

"Editor's choice: Grosvenor is rightly celebrated for finesse in Romantic music's more private moments, and that sensitivity is plentiful here ... There are plenty of worthy Kreislerianas out there, from Argerich's to Vogt's. Grosvenor's can hold its own against them ... All in all, this is an album that reaffirms Grosvenor's status as one of the most accomplished pianists around".


2023 mai



Bertrand Boissard

2023 mai

The gramophone

2006 June



Bryce Morrison

2006 June

"Herbert Schuch is a 27-year-old Romanian whose recording debut is of an intimidating mastery and stylistic assurance. Wherever you turn in the intricate mosaic of Schumann’s Kreisleriana you will hear playing impossible to fault and easy to praise ... if there is an occasional suspicion that one is listening to an overly calculating if superlative pianist rather than a more spontaneous and acute artist, this is never less than a magnificent album ".

The gramophone

2015 January



Harriet Smith

2015 January

"Beauty of sound is uppermost in the theme, which perhaps dreams a little too freely. In general he is most convincing in the faster movements ... But I'd question whether the eighth etude is truly sempre marcatissimo, while the ninth doesn't have the sense of being on a knife-edge".

International record review

2015 February



Charles Timbrell

2015 February

"I have been impressed with Nelson Goerner's recordings of Chopin and Debussy, and the present disc is a welcome addition to his discography ... Overall, Goerner's is one of the better versions of Kreisleriana, but my preference may always be Vladimir Horowitz's magical first recording of it ... The disc ends with a terrific performance of the Toccata ... It is a most impressive send-off".